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  • Obama Thrills Students at Hampton University with his Presence
  • Posted By:
  • Chris J
  • Posted On:
  • 12-May-2010
  • Imagine meeting the American president at your university? Fancy, right? Exactly! President Barack Obama enthralled everyone present yesterday at the commencement speech given by him at the Hampton University. The University of Hampton is essentially known to be a ‘black’ university. And President Obama struck the right notes by emphasizing on the fact that the key to America’s successful future is but of course, ‘education’.

    Hampton has had a rich history as it was the only University that started out by admitting black slaves who had recently tasted freedom. And this was during the time of the Civil War in Virginia where the African-Americans, whether slave or not, did not have a right to education. So one can see that slavery was not the only problem they were faced with. Today we think education is our birthright and hence, do not take it seriously. But to the African-Americans of the yore, this was a huge step towards progress and a normal life.

    The president stated that each one of the students at Hampton were responsible to pass on the sense of good education to their younger siblings and children, and down to their generations. It is only through education, one can recognise the great American truth and that it is through education that all barriers; be it caste, race or society can be overcome, the President added. Education in the long-run would help us fulfil the potential we have in us.

    The American President recognised and broached the subject of expensive higher education as well. He stated that he was well aware of the rising expenses of higher education which was the main cause of students not pursuing it. He said the solution to this was to do well in school which would help the student to then pursue a college degree. This is because, the number of people who are currently unemployed are the ones who do not have a college degree and the ones who have, still have better chances of acquiring a job. The students need to put in their best because the competition gets difficult each day stated the President.

    The 21st century is full of uncertainties and education is the only solution to this according to President Obama.

    High school degrees are not just tickets to a job and a decent life anymore. One needs much more. Everything that President Obama said in his speech was true. Education indeed is fundamental for one to grow and progress in life. It helps you look at the world in a different life. Education gives you a new perspective in life. And no matter what you go on to do, whether it is related to what you studied or not, education never goes wasted. Somewhere, sometime, somehow it is going to be of great help. 

    Basic education that is school and high school is a must. If one cannot afford regular college, students should be encouraged to work towards achieving scholarships and grants which would help them study further.


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