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Efforts on to make a smooth transition to online writing in universities
Writing is the course that sets the stage for maximum student-instructor interaction, especially for first year students in universities and colleges. The current....

Is it better not to make amendments to the No Child Left Behind Program?
Next on the agenda for the Obama administration is to make changes to the No Child Left Behind education law and correct the flaws. However this would result in....

Florida Teachers oppose Senate Bill 6
There is a practical panic evident among teachers in Florida over the support of President Obama and Arne Duncan the Education Secretary for using the test scores....

Student Loan Overhaul Welcomed by Many, Opposed By Some
In future, those who borrow government loans can repay them with ease and the needy college students will have easy access to loan programs such as Pell Grants.....

Student Loan Overhaul Approved by Congress
Tying the student loan overhaul to the healthcare overhaul bill, President Obama ensured that the Congress passes the bill assuring needy students of greater advantages.....

It is time to make choices for higher education
University of Illinois knows for the fact that the field trip they have planned for the weekend would not be as easy as it seems. They have grueling task of attacking....

Hope the Race to the Top Program does not turn into a Reality Show
There was a proud announcement recently from Arne Duncan regarding the sixteen finalists who will benefit from the Race to the Top program and of course from the....

The most liberal president our country has ever seen
Jeb Bush, the former Governor of Florida says President Barack Obama is one of the most liberal presidents in modern times. He also said that he pursues an agenda....

The issue of decreased scientific publications – what does it indicate?
There was a report by the Scientific American a few years ago that the growth in the field of science is slower in the United States than in the European Union.....

Is the Attention given to Community Colleges Enough to Benefit them Significantly?
Today we see hitherto unseen attention showered on community colleges by policymakers and politicians. This is happening in a bid to enhance graduation rates and....


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