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Universities wake up before students’ go online
As we know, the rising tuition costs are a matter of great concern for American families today. As compared to earlier times when most could afford university education,....

UC Regents take a tough decision to maintain quality of education
It was voted recently to increase the fee by another 32 percent for the coming fall by the University of California’s regents. This decision has raised a....

Time for our President to wake up
Recently, the meeting held by Obama in the Town hall with people affected by the hard economic situation turned more into a therapy session for his supporters who....

Common Core Standard is a far cry from California’s existing content standards
In each grade, K-12 students are expected to master a set list of topics. These are known as the academic content standards. This year there was a significant....

School systems cannot be fixed just with money!!!
According to our President, America’s issue of fast degenerating higher education system cannot be addressed only by pumping in money. He spoke for at least....

California State Schools answerable to parents
State schools in California will have to face consequences if they fail to deliver quality education. According to a bill approved by the State Senate recently,....

STEM career is not for everyone
Advice of experienced career specialists is taken for knowing about how the choice of courses in high school or college affects your career chances. Ann Emerson....

Is it really essential training teachers to match learning styles with learning preferences?
At some point of time, you must have attended a teaching seminar and heard all about styles of learning. The speaker would have outlined different types of student....

Save dollars by renting textbooks
Ask any college student and he will tell you how many dollars are being spent on classroom textbooks most of which they use only for four months or so. This is a....

Jamie K
Americans feel for-profit institutions have a better reach than traditional colleges
According to a recent poll, the public seems to prefer for-profit education even during this severe economic crunch. This poll was conducted for the Americans....


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