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More Trouble Brewing for Private, For-Profit Schools?
Senate democrats were told by an Obama administration official recently that for-profit school that leave students with huge debts even as they benefit immensely....

American schools face great difficulty with illegal immigrant students
Illegal immigrants in our country are now facing a tough time. Pressure continues to mount against them across the country even as non-citizen students are being....

Is this the worst financial situation for US Higher Education?
There is serious skepticism among leaders, policymakers and education advocates regarding the productivity and long term viability of US higher education. This concern....

Analytic Capability, Critical Thinking and Collaboration Essential for College Prep
Have you been following the alarming college graduation and admission data recently? In spite of this strong evidence, we find districts proceeding with measures....

Find out the reasons why Community Colleges Fail?
Certain amount of well deserved respect is finally been given to our community colleges. These colleges have always been overlooked. Pledging support to these colleges....

Obama offers option of consolidating federal and government backed private loans
Halloween is not far away and kids in all households are eagerly awaiting their candy. Do you see how President Obama is courting young voters with the student debt....

Where are our bright and capable teachers?
Analyze and you will not find it difficult identifying reasons for the sharp fall in the quality of our teaching. Teachers unions that were hitherto protecting those....

How do we Americans succeed in today’s knowledge based economy?
Our nation today has to deal with many challenges not the least of them being global, domestic and political turmoil. It is time to always keep in mind our strength....

Obama’s Educational Excellence Initiative Must Comprehensively Address All Minority Issues
A White House initiative was recently established through an executive order written by our President. This initiative that will be housed in the Education Department....

High tuitions costs and student debts keep Affordable higher education at bay
Financial investment logic is being used to justify borrowing huge amounts of money for higher education. The idea being propagated is that if the student has a....

Jamie K

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