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Obama Focuses On Helping the Latino Students in the US
It is a fact that the education is falling in the United States in the recent decades. President Obama is trying hard in order to fix this problem. However unlike....

Are Taxpayer's Money Allotted for Higher Education Used in a Prudent Manner?
There has been a constant stress by our President that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is imperative to focus on a college education. This....

Jamie K
Federal Investments and Tool Kit Announced by the Obama administration to Enhance College Graduation
The first “Building a Grad Nation” summit was held on March 22nd in Washington DC. In keeping with our President’s commitment to enhancing rate....

Craze for Graduation Rates – what is it leading to?
When there is a raging debate on higher education, a lot seems too little. What exactly does it take to ensure quality education for Americans? This is a real discussion....

A Few Tips on How to Get President Obama to Speak at Your School
President Obama will be hosted by the Florida based Miami Dade College. He will be one of the speakers during the 2011graduation. There is no information provided....

Are states being realistic in reducing spending in higher education sector?
As we look at the data, we find that most states have allotted a very small amount towards financing public higher education. With the obvious fact that only states....

Streamline NCLB Laws at the Earliest
Recently the Congress was challenged by President Obama. This was with regard to the No Child Left Behind program. He said that there is universal agreement on the....

Jamie K
Streamline Processes and Give Impetus to New Jersey Higher Education Streamline Processes and Give I
A policy agenda was recently unveiled by our President during the State of Union address. According to him, this agenda was created just to position America in a....

Education comes first and not cost cutting!
Education has always been at the core of one’s development. And today, this very core value is being threatened. How? You may ask. The very fact that the education....

Call for common curriculum in the interest of common man
The call for common curriculum in schools across the nation is doing the rounds. Recently a group of bipartisan business leaders, labours and educationists extended....


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