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Obama Focuses On Helping the Latino Students in the US
It is a fact that the education is falling in the United States in the recent decades. President Obama is trying hard in order to fix this problem. However unlike....

States gearing up to bid for "Race to the Top" program funds
The state that wins the race to the top could receive $200 to $400 million as funds for their public schools. The challenge posed by President Obama is shaping....

College Aid May Be Reduced Due To Federal Cuts
 The 2012 budget of President Obama offers a nice balancing act to the advocates of higher education. While protecting the program of Pell Grant, the Obama....

Should pre-school education receive so much attention and funds ?
President Obama’s initiatives for pre-kindergarten has attracted a lot of ire from a section of people who feel that it is not really worth investing so....

Reductions In Education Funding Will Harm Students
 A plan was unveiled by the Republicans in February for reducing the Pell Grants funding by 25%. They also proposed to cut down the maximum amount of the grant....

Higher education offers a ray of hope in an economically unstable environment
In spite of the economic disaster and turmoil, we find that the higher education sector is one that has been better off as compared to most other fields. Though....

Job Market – A cause of anxiety for graduates
Graduates are no more worried about assignments and exams. Rather, they are all anxious about their job prospects in this grim economy. El Paso’s rate of unemployment....

Stimulus funds tagged with MoE rules become a noose around the States
There is a vociferous demand from Washington for another stimulus package. In California, the demand is slightly off beat. The strong feelings expressed by Sacramento,....

Freshmen not equipped to face college, say presidents
Recently a survey was conducted among 1000 university and college presidents. This survey showed that public high school students who arrived at colleges are not....

How can fresh College graduates find a job?
The strife that the economic meltdown the world has been going through has only just started to abate. Most companies had put a freeze on expenditures and a big....


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