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Higher Education Panel in US House to be led by Critic of Obama’s Policies
Some of our President’s higher education policies have always been questioned by a North Carolina conservative Republican, US Rep. Virginia Foxx. She made....

Jamie K
Another Crisis Looming Large
The collapse of the financial sector recently was actually felt by people only after it happened. There is another financial crisis that is gradually creeping up....

Carnegie Foundation recognizes Carnegie College
For Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Foundation has recognized Collin College as one of the few community colleges. They will be offered a ‘community engagement....

Carnegie Foundation recognizes Carnegie College
For Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Foundation has recognized Collin College as one of the few community colleges. They will be offered a ‘community engagement....

Narrowing of achievement gap may take years
According to a recent report, white, Latino and African American students achievement gap in California may take years to narrow. The report also says that girls....

What is happening in the after math of recession?
America, as all other nations across the world is just limping back from the huge impact of the Great Recession that practically shredded the confidence along with....

Institutions must Implement Plans and Programs for Better Results
The situation today is that there is a lot of focus in our country on the undergraduate student programs but there is definitely no concrete plan towards implementing....

Jamie K
Is Disaster Looming Large for Low-Income Students Aspiring for Higher Education?
Yes, it is definitely a disastrous situation for those poor students from the lower income bracket who wish to benefit from higher education. As we remember, our....

Federal Student Aid Cut Not Fair Say For-Profit Colleges
There has been constant pressure on the Congress the past few months by for-profit colleges who feel threatened by the possibility of being cut off from millions....

Equip Students with Cognitive Skills before making them Graduates
Our President aims to create more jobs by ensuring at least 5 million college graduates by the year 2020. Of course, this project is commendable given the situation....


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