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School systems cannot be fixed just with money!!!
According to our President, America’s issue of fast degenerating higher education system cannot be addressed only by pumping in money. He spoke for at least....

Follow the footsteps of UNCC and Winthrop to enhance graduation rates
K-12 public schools have been under scrutiny for decades now due to lack lustre academic performances and student failures, most of whom are disadvantaged and poor.....

US trailing behind in producing college graduates
According to the Lumina Foundation, our country falls behind other global nations in producing college graduates. Even though there is a marginal gain in 2007-08,....

Washington State universities limited by lack of state funding
Washington State had a dream that all its citizens will one day be able to go to college no matter what their financial situation is. There are people here raised....

Time for our President to wake up
Recently, the meeting held by Obama in the Town hall with people affected by the hard economic situation turned more into a therapy session for his supporters who....

Need for Developing a Strong Alternative Education Reform Program
Billions of dollars have been invested by education reformers in our country. With Bill Gates and Michelle Rhee, DC School’s superintendent featuring shortly....

Universities wake up before students’ go online
As we know, the rising tuition costs are a matter of great concern for American families today. As compared to earlier times when most could afford university education,....

Is it worth taxing students to enhance campus facilties?
Just like the Super Bowl is essentially American and Thanksgiving is something that unites every single citizen of our country, so is the ritual of thousands of....

Higher number of women earning PhDs than men!
Back in the olden days, it was uncommon for women to earn college degrees. In fact they did not go to college at all. Slowly all women’s institutions were....

Racial disparities still exists in American schools
We are aware of the racial disparities in our surroundings and over the years we have come to accept them. However, it was recently found that even certain schools....


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