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Pell Grant cuts proposed by Obama and the Republicans amidst escalating student loan defaults
The new tracking system put in place by the Federal government has identified how there is a significant rise in student loan defaults. At least 13.8% students who....

Low Quality Education at a High Price – Is there Hope Yet?
It is a sad situation indeed where colleges are no longer safe and secure haven where you get to learn. The rip-off situation makes education no longer a safe investment....

Campuses come to life as President Obama announced the Death of bin Laden
There are many things that have inspired campuses to join together and celebrate. A wave of patriotism binds them now with the death of Osama Bin Laden, the leader....

Should we even go to college?
If you are an American parent, you must certainly be indulging in a lot of self pity these days. Gutted by real estate values, toxic paper, Ponzi schemes and severely....

Federal money may increase graduation rates
Anxious parents, students are educators were assured by President Obama that government financial support will continue for higher education. This announcement was....

Jamie K
How exactly will the Maryland Dream Act Enable Students to complete their Four Year Degree?
In Maryland, in-state tuition is offered for young immigrants who are undocumented in keeping with the “Dream Act” that was fought hard for. This offer....

Time to take powerful action against the financial elite and bail our higher education
In California, as in other states, there is a widespread attack on the higher education system. Many states and districts are forced to shut down their primary schools....

Time for the public to wake up and contribute towards higher education success
Apart from the fact that they do make money, how exactly are college presidents different from us? Pew Research Center says that this is evident with the poll results....

CNCS Honor Roll Award for Ashford University
Across our country, graduates in all colleges will be honored this spring. The CNCS or Corporation for National and Community Service recognized Ashford University’s....

US Education Department Says Default Rates Higher in For-Profit Schools
As compared to students who attend universities or colleges that are publicly funded or private, for-profit school students are found to default on their educational....


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