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Bold and innovative steps essential to push education reforms forward
Bush administration developed a school reform agenda which was broadened by our President and Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education. As a result, there is increased....

Time to focus on quality of education rather than on luxurious five star facilities at universities
A recent Washington Times editorial pointed out to our highly dysfunctional K-12 education system that works towards forcing all students towards college irrespective....

Importance of technical and trade education cannot be under estimated
It is the duty of every single American to make a commitment towards higher education said President Obama in his state of union address. Rick Santorum, the Republican....

Without higher education, there is no future for our states
Echoing the sentiments of many, University of California’s President Clark Kerr noted that educating the young is the best investment made by our society.....

Remedial classes must be fine-tuned at the earliest
At least 1.7 million college students in our country are sent to remedial classes every year to enable them to catch up with the regular course. Remedial classes....

Jamie K
Will colleges always remain inaccessible to many students?
The cost of college education is fast rising and almost everyone in our country can vouch for this fact. Why this is happening is not always as clear. We can only....

For-profit colleges again under scanner!
For-profit colleges have never been the favourite in the field of education. In recent years, this sector has constantly been under fire by regulators and from the....

Jamie K
Will students benefit from Romney's education plan?
One of the major topics in this presidential election is student debt. As a part of his election campaign, Mitt Romney unveiled a plan that he claims will benefit....

To help with personal debt, Obama lists out student loan options
There is no clear consensus on how interest rates on student loans will be prevented from doubling next month with the Congress still in a limbo over this issue.....

We need more students opting for STEM classes
Ask any technology company and they will tell you how there is a sure shortage of highly skilled workers. Surprisingly some communities seem to have found an answer....

Jamie K

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