
Study Abroad in England

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Group Information

  • Study Abroad in England (Public Group)
  • Created by : Bill Q on 26-Mar-2009
  • In Other Groups >> Study Abroad
  • Location : Schenectady, United States
  • Members : 70
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total UK population.

Many educational programs are available in England such as from Oxford and Cambridge as well as 3,000 other English universities. They all accept international students.

Share your information and experience in studying in England here.

Group Forum: Add New Topic

Topic Last Post Views (Replies)
Does your parents object you from studying abroad?
Topic Starter : Cat Beckin (Created 4155 days ago)
07-Jun-2013 67 (0)
Beyond Study Abroad
Topic Starter : Billy Tam (Created 4158 days ago)
04-Jun-2013 71 (0)
5 Best Apps For Students Studying Abroad
Topic Starter : Johnnie Rimes (Created 4163 days ago)
30-May-2013 61 (0)
Should you do graduate level studying abroad?
Topic Starter : Benny Penito (Created 4165 days ago)
28-May-2013 78 (0)
Does a school which has an extensive studying abroad program attracts you?
Topic Starter : Mitch Kosan (Created 4171 days ago)
22-May-2013 66 (0)

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