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  • GRE - Group for prepration for GRE General Test
  • Topic:
  • High Frequency Word List
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  • Here are some words that i've found in a study guide. 1. Superfluous - Being beyond what is required or sufficient; extra, unnecessary; serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being; more than is needed, desired, or required 2. Spurn - To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn; turn away; ignore 3. Hubris - Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance 4. Feigned - Not real; pretended; not genuine; made-up; fictitious 5. Ravenous - Extremely hungry; voracious; rapacious; predatory; greedy for gratification; very hungry; desirous; greedy 6. Rapport - Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity; understanding between people; an easy friendly relationship 7. Anvil - An iron block or stand used by blacksmiths to hold metal objects; heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering 8. Pallid - Having an abnormally pale or wan complexion; lacking intensity of color or luminousness 9. Gong - A rimmed metal disk that produces a loud, sonorous tone when struck with a padded mallet; usually saucer-shaped bell that is struck with a mechanically operated hammer 10. Ostracize - To exclude from a group; to exclude from normal social or professional activities; to force to leave a country or place by official decree; exile, banish; to put into public disfavor
  • Posted by:
  • Faye C.
  • Posted on:
  • Thursday Oct 22, 2009 at 8:26 AM

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