BSU, ISU presidents continue pleas to minimize higher ed cuts
Source: idahobusiness.n Posted By: andrew STU...5512 days ago
Campus: Idaho State University
The presidents of Boise State University and Idaho State University lobbed a few more pleas to lawmakers on the Legislature’s budget-writing committee to minimize cuts to higher education during....
ISU professor fired despite faculty vote
Source: Posted By: Carson ROG...5598 days ago
Campus: Idaho State University
An Idaho State University engineering professor who was suspended in August says he has been fired, despite backing from a faculty appeals board. In a statement, Vailas said his decision was....
Panel Says Not to Fire Idaho State Faculty Member
Source: Posted By: Hilmer JOS...5605 days ago
Campus: Idaho State University
Idaho State University lacks sufficient evidence to justify the termination of a tenured professor charged with a pattern of abusive and disruptive behavior, a faculty panel ruled Friday. Habib....
Idaho State University Asks Chair of Physics Department to Resign
Source: Posted By: A. Owen..5635 days ago
Campus: Idaho State University
The new chair of the Idaho State University physics department was asked to resign his post after allowing an Ecuadorian professor without proper visa papers to teach in the classroom, a school....