Professional Profile for Behnam M. Fomeshi

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Behnam M. Fomeshi



About Me (Summary)

Specializing in comparative literature, Behnam Mirzababazadeh Fomeshi is interested in Iranian studies, American studies and in particular the intersection of the two. He is also highly experienced in literary theory, with experience in teaching and considerable expertise in Persian language, literature and culture. In addition to Humboldt fellowship, Behnam received several grants including two for his research stays at the School of Modern Languages at University of St Andrews and the Department of Persian Studies at Leiden University. His works have been widely published. He lectured at various national and international conferences, symposia, colloquia, and workshops. He has taught courses on various genres as well as study skills.

Behnam is a fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to conduct research on Whitman and Persian poetry.


  • Shiraz University
  • Iran
    Doctorate, Humanities
    2011 - Present

Memberships and Affiliations

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Member, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) 2017
Member, German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) 2017
Member, Association for Iranian Studies (AIS) 2017
Member, Iranian Literary Criticism Association 2014

My Publications

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Refereed Journal Articles

2019 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “‘Something Foreign In It’: A Study of an Iranian Translation of Whitman’s Image.” Transfer 14.1-2: 49-72.

2018 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “‘Till the Gossamer Thread You Fling Catch Somewhere’: Parvin E’tesami’s Creative Reception of Walt Whitman.” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 35, 267-275.

2017 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “Reasons behind Emerson’s Reception of Hafez: A Historical Look at a Literary Relationship.” Comparative Literature Research 5.1: 64-83. [In Persian]
میرزابابازاده فومشی، بهنام. «چرایی اقبال امرسن به حافظ: نگاهی تاریخی در بررسی یک ارتباط ادبی.» پژوهش های ادبیات تطبیقی. دورۀ پنجم. شمارۀ اول. 1396: 64-83.

2017 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “Comparative Literature as Practiced in Iran.” Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada 18.30: 149-163.

2016 Khojastehpour, Adineh and Behnam M. Fomeshi. “‘Words Are Signals’: Language, Translation, and Colonization in Brian Friel’s Translations.” The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 8.1: 122-131.

2016 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “A Comparative Study of Death in John Donne and Sohrab Sepehri.” Mysticism in Persian Literature 26.7: 11-34. [In Persian]
میرزابابازاده فومشی، بهنام. «بررسی تطبیقی مضمون مرگ در آثار سهراب سپهری و جان دان.» عرفانیات در ادب فارسی. سال هفتم. شمارۀ بیست وششم. ۱۳۹۵ :۱۱-۳۴.

2015 Fomeshi, Behnam M., Parvin Ghasemi and Alireza Anushiravani. “Comparative Poetics Today: Not Global without the Middle East.” Socrates 3.2: 30-47.

2015 Fomeshi, Behnam M. and Adineh Khojastehpour. “Different Readings of Classical Persian Texts in the Light of New Historicism.” Literary Text Research 19.1: 161-180. [In Persian]
میرزابابازاده فومشی، بهنام و آدینه خجسته پور. «خوانش متفاوت متون کلاسیک فارسی در پرتو تاریخ¬گرایی نو.» متن پژوهی ادبی. سال نوزدهم، شمارۀ شصت و سوم. 1394: 161-180.

2014 Fomeshi, Behnam M. and Adineh Khojastehpour. “A Poet Builds a Nation: Hafez as a Catalyst in Emerson’s Process of Developing American Literature.” k@ta 16.2: 109-118.

2014 Khojastehpour, Adineh and Behnam M. Fomeshi. “The Present State of Comparative Literature in Iran: A Critical Study.” Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature 4.1.

2014 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “Reinforcing the Dominant Discourse in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.” 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 20.1: 167-176.

2014 Fomeshi, Behnam M. and Adineh Khojastehpour. “Comparative Literature in Russia.” Comparative Literature Journal of Academy of Persian Language and Literature 5.9: 65-88. [In Persian]
میرزابابازاده فومشی، بهنام و آدینه خجسته پور. «ادبیات تطبیقی در روسیه.» ادبیات تطبیقی فرهنگستان. سال پنجم، شمارۀ نهم. 1393: 65-88.

2014 Khojastehpour, Adineh and Behnam M. Fomeshi. “The Reception of Classical Persian Poetry in Anglophone World: Problems and Solutions.” Socrates 2.1: 39 -49.

2013 Fomeshi, Behnam M. and Farideh Pourgiv. “Two Green Poets: A Comparative Ecocritical Study of Sepehri and Emerson.” k@ta 15.2: 109-116.

2013 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “The Concept of Death in John Donne and Sohrab Sepehri: A Comparative Study.” k@ta 15.2: 77-84.

2013 Fomeshi, Behnam M. and Adineh Khojastehpour. “Demystifying New Historicism through a Critical Look at the Papers Applying the Approach in Iran.” Literary Criticism Quarterly 6.22: 7-28. [In Persian]
میرزابابازاده فومشی، بهنام و آدینه خجسته پور. «ابهام¬زدایی از نقد نوپای تاریخ¬گرایی نو در ایران.» فصلنامه نقد ادبی. سال ششم، شماره دوم. 1392: 7-28.

2013 Fomeshi, Behnam M. “Tom Wingfield’s Alienation in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie: A Marxist Approach.” k@ta 15.1: 25-32.

2012 Ghasemi, Parvin and Behnam M. Fomeshi. “Defusing the Controversy over Uncle Tom’s Cabin: A New Historical Approach.” CLA Journal 55.4: 335-351.

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