Professional Profile for Iulian Catalin Stanga

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Iulian Catalin Stanga



About Me (Summary)


1. PhD degree in the field of Physical Geography, distinction Magna cum laude (December 2009): Thesis title: Tutova catchment. Natural risks and vulnerability of territory.
2. Master’s degree in the field of Soil Sciences (June 2004). Thesis title: Soil erodability. Conceptual and methodological approach with special regard on some soils of Moldavian Plateau
3. Bachelor’s degree in the field of Human Geography (Valedictorian, June 2002). Thesis title: Eastern Carpathians. Study on the relationships between the natural environment and the economy forms
4. High school degree (June 1997), in the field of Philology.


1. Postdoctoral researcher (since July 1st 2010) at the Department of Geography, „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
2. University assistant (February 2003 – June 2010) at the Department of Geography, „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania

A. Areas of expertise: physical geography, geomorphology, pedogeography, natural hazard and risk assessment.

B. Research and teaching experience: 10 years.

C. Research grants: 9 national grants (1 as project manager, 8 as member of the research team).

D. Publications: (co)author of three books published in Romanian and of 55 research articles.

E. Conferences: 86 (Romania, Italy, Austria, Tunisia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova).


  • Universitatea 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' din Iasi
  • Romania
    Doctorate, Physical Sciences
    2004 - 2009

Honors and Awards

1. Diploma and anniversary medal “100 Years of Soil Science in Romania” 2006, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
2. “Nicolae Cernescu” award of the Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2009, Bucharest.

Memberships and Affiliations

European Geosciences Union, European Society for Soil Conservation, International Union of Soil Sciences, Romanian Geographical Society, Romanian National Society of Soil Science, Association of Romanian Geomorphologists

My Publications

1. Stângă, I. C. Grozavu, A. (2012): Quantifying human vulnerability in rural areas: case study of Tutova Hills (Eastern Romania), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1987-2001, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1987-2012, 2012.
2. Stângă I. C. (2011) – Gully erosion and associated risks in Tutova basin – Moldavian Plateau, Landform analysis, vol. 17, pp. 193-197, Poland,
3. Stângă I. C. (2011) – Active landslides in Tutova catchment (Eastern Romania), Lucrările Seminarului geografic „Dimitrie Cantemir”, nr. 31, pp. 71-80, ISSN 1222-989X,
4. Stângă I. C. (2011) - Climate aggressiveness and rainfall erosivity, Riscuri şi catastrofe, nr. X, vol. 9, nr. 2, pp. 21-32, ISSN 1584-5273,
5. Stângă I. C. (2011) – Rainfall agressiveness in the eastern part of Romania, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86, ISSN 1223-5334/2284-6379,
6. Stângă I. C. (2011) – Use of logarithmic function for drought severity assessment, Conferinţa Aerul şi apa – componente ale mediului, 18-19 martie, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca, pp. 487-494, ISSN 2067-743X,
7. Rusu C., Niacşu L., Stângă I. C., Vasiliniuc I. (2010) – The Romanian System of Soil Taxonomy (RSST) – between innovation and necessity, Lucrări Ştiinţifice, seria Agronomie, vol. 53 (Lucrările celei de a XIX-a Conferinţe Naţionale pentru Ştiinţa Solului), nr. 3, 21-27, Ed. „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iaşi, ISSN 1454-7414
8. Stângă I. C. (2010) – Floods in Tutova basin. Genesis, propagation and impact, vol. Aerul şi apa – componente ale mediului, 19-20 martie, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca, pp. 213-220, ISSN 2067-743X,
9. Stângă I. C., Iacob Ana-Maria (2010) – Soil cover in Tutova drainage basin, Factori şi procese pedogenetice din zona temperată, vol. IX, Ed. Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, serie nouă, pp. 89-97, ISSN 1582-4616,
10. Stângă I. C. (2009) – Quantifier la sécheresse: durée, intensité, fréquence, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, tom LV, s. IIc, Geografie, pp. 31-46,
11. Stângă I. C., Rusu C., Panaitescu E. (2009) – La dynamique du niveau phréatique dans le bassin de Tutova et les risques associés, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, tom LV, s. IIc, Geografie, pp. 63-78,
12. Stângă I. C. (2009) – The Number of Equivalent Drought Days and the Synthetic Index of Drought Intensity, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, vol. 54, no. 3/2009, pp. 130-136, ISSN 1221-079X;
13. Stângă I. C., Niacşu L., Rusu C., Minea I., Ursu A., Vasiliniuc I. (2007) - Considerations regarding lake silting in Tutova Rolling Hills. Case study: Cuibul Vulturilor reservoir, International Conference Disaster and Pollution Monitoring, Ed. Performantica, pp. 455-462, ISBN 978-973-730-406-3 ;
14. Ursu A., Sfîcă L., Niacşu L., Minea I., Vasiliniuc I., Stângă I. C. (2007) – The changes occured in the land use from the eastern part of Romania after 1989 – remote sensing and GIS application, Present Environment ans Sustainable Development, vol. 1, Ed. Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, pp. 313-320, ISSN 1843-5971
15. Niacşu L., Ursu A., Minea I., Vasiliniuc I., Rusu C., Stângă I. C. (2007) - Landscape conditions involved in lake infilling in the Tutova Rolling Hills, International Conference Disaster and Pollution Monitoring, Ed. Performantica, pp. 427-438, ISBN 978-973-730-406-3
16. Stângă I. C., Rusu C. (2006) – The concepts of vulnerability and resilience used in natural risks analysis, Buletinul Societăţii de Geografie din România, serie nouă, tom XII (XXCII), Ed. Societăţii de Geografie, Bucureşti, pp. 129-142, ISSN 1582-3962
17. Rusu C., Stângă I. C. (2006) – The pedological patrimony and the land use in the Oaş Mountains, Зemeльні відносиниі просторовий розвиток в україні. Частина II - Eконміко-правові та екологічні аспекти земельних відносин, Kiev, Ucraina, pp. 208–212, ISBN 966-02-3963-7
18. Rusu C., Stângă I. C., Vasiliniuc I. (2006) – The agro-productive potential and the restrictive factors of soils in Romania, Ecology: Problems of adaptive-landscape agriculture. Proceeding of II International scientific and practical conference, 20-22 iunie 2006, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina, pp. 24-30, ISBN 966-7865-01-0
19. Niacşu L., Stângă I. C. (2006) – Le rôle des relations bio-pédologiques dans l’évolution des paysages dans les Collines de Tutova, Ecology: Problems of adaptive-landscape agriculture. Proceeding of II International scientific and practical conference, 20-22 iunie 2006, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina, pp. 24-30, ISBN 966-7865-01-0
20. Rusu C., Stângă I. C., Vasiliniuc I. (2006) – The soil resources of Romania and their agro-productive potential, Buletinul Societăţii de Geografie din România, serie nouă, tom XII (XXCII), Ed. Societăţii de Geografie, Bucureşti, pp. 85-105, ISSN 1582-3962
21. Minea I., Stângă I. C., Panaitescu E. V. (2006) – La qualité des eaux phréatiques de la vallée de Prut, Lucrările Seminarului geografic „Dimitrie Cantemir”, nr. 26, pp. 137-146, ISSN 1222-989X,
22. Stângă I. C. (2006) - Tendances des désastres naturels. Du modèle à la réalité, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, tom LII , s. IIc, Geografie, pp. 67-76, ISSN 1223-6578
23. Rusu C., Stângă I. C., Fiscutean D. (2005) – The Soils in the Oaş Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, tom LI, s. IIc, Geografie, pp. 49-59, ISSN 1223-6578
24. Minea I., Stângă I. C., Vasiliniuc I. (2005) – Les phénomènes de sécheresse dans le Plateau de la Moldavie, Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, tom LI, s. IIc, Geografie, pp. 35-42, ISSN 1223-6578
25. Rusu C., Stângă I. C., Fiscutean D. (2005) – The soils in the Oaş Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), Naukowyi Wisnyk Chernivetskoho Universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovyh prats. – Vypusk 259: Biology – Chernivtsi, Ukraine, pp. 85-93 (Hayкoвий Bicник Чeрнiвeцького Унiверситету: Збірник науковіх праць – Випуск 259, Бiологiя – Чернівці „Рутa”)
26. Stângă I. C. (2004) – Le relief fluvial d’accumulation de la vallée de Nemţişor, Analele ştiinţifice ale Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, tom XLIX-L, serie IIc Geografie, 2003-2004, pp. 249-254, ISSN 1223-5334
27. Stângă I. C., Minea I. (2004) – Considérations sur la variabilité spatiale de certains indicateurs concernant les phénomènes de sécheresse dans l’est de la Roumanie, Analele Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi tom XLIX-L, serie IIc Geografie, 2003 -2004, pp. 261-271, ISSN 1223-5334
28. Rusu C., Stângă I. C. (2004) – Considérations sur le relief fluvial du bassin montagneux de Cracău, Analele Univ. „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi tom XLIX-L, serie IIc Geografie, 2003 -2004, pp. 28-32, ISSN 1223-5334
29. Stângă I. C., Minea I. (2004) – Soil vulnerability to erosion in relation to their analytical properties, International Conference Disaster and Pollution Monitoring, Iaşi, 18-20 november 2004, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, pp. 381-390, ISBN 973-730-004-1

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