Professional Profile for Dr. U. JAYA PRAKASH RAJU

HigherEdSpace Profile




  • Name:
  • Location:
  • Tamil Nadu, India  
  • Area of Interest:
  • Physical Sciences  
  • (School) Network:
  • Vels University 
  • HigherEdSpace Profile:


My Statement

Greetings from India.I am happy to introduce that i am Dr.Raju, worked as Post Doctoral Fellow under Dr.Philppe Keckhut, CNRS, France during 2007-2008. I did my research on “Rayleigh Lidar Studies of Middle Atmospheric Thermal structure, its climatology and variability over low latitude”. I have four years of experience in operating the Rayleigh lidar at low latitude station Gadanki, INDIA. During post doctoral tenure I attended CAWSES Tidal Workshop at Frediriction, NB,CANADA [August 18-23, 2007] to present CAWSES-III campaign results using french ground based lidars. Prof. W.W.Ward assigned me to work on SABER, GSWM, HAMMONIA Models with all possible lidar stations data around world. But it was not materialized due to lack of funding, I returned India.

Currently i am working as Asst.Prof. in VELS University, Chennai, India. I am regrously waiting for to grab the oppurtunity to re-enter in to the research feild. At present a manuscript "Tidal adjustment to OHP lidar from different models by comparison with satelites" is under preparation. and another paper is ready for its publication.I have expertise in using MATLAB for data analysis and knowledge on FORTRAN & C. I have good theoritical knowledge on basic sciences Physics, Mathematics and Statistics. I am a resposible goal-oriented hard worker with humble charecter and conduct.I am highly interested to work on LIDAR/ Satellite/Insrumentation. I am very much interested to join in your group as early as possible to deleniate deep therotical and experimental work. I am waiting for opportunity. May i know the people can fund me to work on NLC. Further check my CV,list of publications, research experience,a copy of publication kept your perusal.

Thanking you sir,

Yours sincerely

Asst. Prof in Dept. Of PHYSICS

Honors and Awards

Awarded Fellowships

 Junior Research Fellowship (June, 2001 to May, 2003) - Dept. of Physics, S.V.University, Tirupati. Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, India.

 Senior Research Fellowship (May, 2003 to August, 2003) - Dept. of Physics, S.V.University, Tirupati. Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, India.

 Post Doctoral Fellowship (Aug, 2007 to Sep, 2008) - Service d’ Aéronomie,Paris,France. ‘This Geomon’ European prjoject is sponsered by CNRS, FRANCE.

My Publications

1. Validation of Temperature obtained from Satelllite over Tropics using Tidal Adjustments

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, P. Keckhut, H. Bencherif, M.Marchand, S. Bekki, B.
Morel, Y. Courcoux and A. Hauchecorne, (Manuscript is in preparation)

2. Temperature anomalies associated with sudden stratospheric warming, observed above the tropical site of Gadanki (13.5N, 79.2E) with a Rayleigh lidar.

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, Krishnaiah M., and P. Keckhut.
( paper is ready for submitted to Journal of Atmosphera ).

3. Tropical Stratopause features - Rayleigh lidar observations over Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), India.

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, M. Krishnaiah, Y. Bhavani Kumar, D. Kothandan and P. Keckhut

Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, 2 (6): 318-331.

4. Nocturnal temperature changes over Tropics during CAWSES – campaign III : Comparison with numerical models and satellite data
U. Jaya Prakash Raju, P. Keckhut, Y. Courcoux , M. Marchand, S. Bekki,
B. Morel, H. Bencherif, and A. Hauchecorne

Journal of Solar and Terrestrial Physics, 72 (2010), 1171-1179.

5. Middle atmosphere monitoring and dynamical coupling mechanisms: Ground-based lidar and satellite instruments synergy

P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne, C. Claud, B. Funatsu, J.P. Raju, V. Charyulu, M. Marchand, S. Bekki, H. Bencherif, and J-M. Perrin.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, 2009, EGU2009-1903-1, EGU General Assembly 2009.

6. Lidar observations of middle atmosphere temperature variability over low latitude.

Krishnaiah M., U.Jaya Prakash Raju, Bhavani Kumar Y, Raghunath K, Siva Kumar V, P.B.Rao, Krishna Murthy B.V, Sasi M.N, Parameswaran K, Krishna Murthy K.K, Prabhakaran Nair S.R.

Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics 33, (2004), 50-57.

National / International Conference attended/Presented

7. Worked as Co-Convener for workshop on “Functionalied maerials” organized by Dept. of PHYSICS at Vel Tech University, on 15th March, 2013.

8. Highlights of the CAWSES Global Tidal Campaigns

W.E. Ward, L. Goncharenko, D. Marsh, J. Oberheide, W. Singer, J. Scheer, Kathrin Haeusler, U.J.P. Raju, D.Y. Wang, T. Yuan, M. Gerding, P. Keckhut, T. Nakamura, Y. Miyoshi, H. Schmidt, A.K. Smith

Fall American Geo Physical Union (AGU) conference held at San Francisco, CA during 15-19 December, 2008.

9. Temperature-Satellite Validations over Tropics with Tidal Adjustments

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, P. Keckhut, H. Bencherif, M. Marchand,
S. Bekki, B. Morel, Y. Courcoux and A. Hauchecorne,

3rd CAWSES Global Tidal campaign work shop going to be held at Frederiction, NB, Canada during August 19-22,2008.

10. Tidal Oscillations in Lidar Temperatures over Reunion Island (20.8°S-55.5°E) during CAWSES Campaign-III, Comparison with different models

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, P. Keckhut, H. Bencherif, M.Marchand, S.
Bekki, B. Morel, Y. Courcoux and A. Hauchecorne,

First International workshop on Frontiers of Atmospheric Physics and technology, Kadapa India, 20-22, February, 2008.

11. Rayleigh LIDAR studies of middle atmospheric thermal structure,
its climatology and variability over low latitude

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, Krishnaiah M, and Bhavani Kumar Y.

11th international workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar (MST-11),TIRUPATI (INDIA), held during 11-15 December, 2006.

12. Rayleigh LIDAR observations of Double Stratopuse over tropical
site, Gadanki (13.8°N, 79.2°E).

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, Krishnaiah M, and Bhavani Kumar Y.

11th international workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar (MST-11),TIRUPATI (INDIA), held during 11-15 December, 2006.

13. The first Rayleigh Lidar observations of double stratopause over low latitude Gadanki (13.50 N, 79.20 E)”.

U. Jaya Prakash Raju, Siva Kumar V, Krishnaiah M., Rao P.B and
Bhavani Kumar Y.

10th International workshop on Technical and scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Peru, 13-20 May 2003.

14. Lidar observations of middle atmospheric temperature climatology over low latitude

Krishnaiah M., U. Jaya Prakash Raju, Bhavani Kumar Y, Siva Kumar
V and Rao P.B.

Paper is presented at XII National Space Science Symposium (NSSS02) held at Bhopal, India during February 25-28, 2002.

15. Papers are presented at VI, VII, VIII User Scientist workshop on MST radar held at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, India, during years 2002, 2003, 2005.

16. Participated in winter school on Indian MST Radar conducted at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, India, during 21-30 January 2004.

17. Participated in winter school on Indian MST Radar & LIDAR (RAYLID) conducted at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, India, during 11-14 March 2007.

18. Participated in INTAR – International Radar symposium held at National MST Radar Facility, Tirupati, INDIA, January, 20-24, 2005.

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