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American universities struggle to cope with a deluge of new enrolments
The economic downturn fuelled a panic in the higher education institutions in America which seem unfounded today as they struggle to manage the number of enrolments.....

College assignments a cake walk for students
In today’s internet age, we all prefer doing everything online. Earlier we would do all our homework, assignments and projects on paper. These things required....

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour proposes consolidation of Black Colleges, faces opposition
Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi sprung a surprise on all as he lay open recommendations in his budget that said that at least three Black Universities with a rich,....

Let the DREAM ACT come true!
The American education system is facing an upheaval. This is especially in the case where the education of thousands of immigrant children is concerned. However,....

Rogue Trustees cause damage to Maricopa Community Colleges
  A horrifying public drama is being played out by the governing board of the five-member Maricopa Community College District, which has created a paralyzing....

Cheating: A school wide issue
Schools and colleges across the nation are facing investigations. These investigations are conducted to check whether or not the kids in these educational institutions....

Critical questions have to be answered at the higher education level
The field of higher education in America welcomed President Obama whole heartedly and rightly so. The President has kept most of his promises including the financial....

Zaytuna College, A Muslim college in Berkeley
The last we heard was that the American government and the local communities had issues with ethnic groups starting their own schools and colleges. The government....

Transition of academic resources to digital platform requires flexible entrepreneurs
Digital media has taken over the print media to a great extent. Print circulation of the most popular newspapers has come down to a great extent as more and more....

Grants come as a blessing to the crumbling education system
Recently it was stated that the Teach for America is one of the most popular initiatives in which students across universities want to go places. They are known....


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