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Higher number of women earning PhDs than men!
Back in the olden days, it was uncommon for women to earn college degrees. In fact they did not go to college at all. Slowly all women’s institutions were....

Is it really essential training teachers to match learning styles with learning preferences?
At some point of time, you must have attended a teaching seminar and heard all about styles of learning. The speaker would have outlined different types of student....

Universities wake up before students’ go online
As we know, the rising tuition costs are a matter of great concern for American families today. As compared to earlier times when most could afford university education,....

Americans feel for-profit institutions have a better reach than traditional colleges
According to a recent poll, the public seems to prefer for-profit education even during this severe economic crunch. This poll was conducted for the Americans....

Time for our President to wake up
Recently, the meeting held by Obama in the Town hall with people affected by the hard economic situation turned more into a therapy session for his supporters who....

American colleges struggle to cope with increased student access and reduced funds
Most of the universities and colleges in America went through one of their worst financial crunch following major budget cuts this year. Educational field in the....

School systems cannot be fixed just with money!!!
According to our President, America’s issue of fast degenerating higher education system cannot be addressed only by pumping in money. He spoke for at least....

Colleges in America struggling to stay afloat after the 2009 turbulence
The year 2009 saw higher education setting lofty goals, being hit with harsh reality, struggling to cope financially and facing major shift in policies in Washington.....

STEM career is not for everyone
Advice of experienced career specialists is taken for knowing about how the choice of courses in high school or college affects your career chances. Ann Emerson....

States gearing up to bid for "Race to the Top" program funds
The state that wins the race to the top could receive $200 to $400 million as funds for their public schools. The challenge posed by President Obama is shaping....


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