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Most of the High School Students not ready for College
According to study, majority of the students coming out from high schools all over the country are not fit for college. New data reveals that 2012 SAT reading scores....

For Profit Colleges Benefit the most from Recession
For-profit trade schools and colleges are one of the very few industries in America that have not been affected, in fact have been constantly growing. Anxiety regarding....

Is Higher Education able to give Respite to Global Recession?
The Education as a Glance report for the year 2012 was released very recently by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and development body. The report is a detailed....

Efforts on to make a smooth transition to online writing in universities
Writing is the course that sets the stage for maximum student-instructor interaction, especially for first year students in universities and colleges. The current....

Is it better not to make amendments to the No Child Left Behind Program?
Next on the agenda for the Obama administration is to make changes to the No Child Left Behind education law and correct the flaws. However this would result in....

Florida Teachers oppose Senate Bill 6
There is a practical panic evident among teachers in Florida over the support of President Obama and Arne Duncan the Education Secretary for using the test scores....

Student Loan Overhaul Welcomed by Many, Opposed By Some
In future, those who borrow government loans can repay them with ease and the needy college students will have easy access to loan programs such as Pell Grants.....

Many Students in our country do not buy Text Books
Education in America has always been a touch expensive. A recent survey states that students have to shell out an average of $655 on materials associated with the....

Student Loan Overhaul Approved by Congress
Tying the student loan overhaul to the healthcare overhaul bill, President Obama ensured that the Congress passes the bill assuring needy students of greater advantages.....

We have done it yet again - A ray of hope amidst gloom
A university from our country has been crowned as the best in the world yet again. This is not the first time an American university has beaten one from the UK hands....


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