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Caddyshack and Higher Education Bubble in America
Statistics usually are never entertaining. Well, this could be true about most of the statistics related to higher education in our country. However, there are few....

Is it better not to make amendments to the No Child Left Behind Program?
Next on the agenda for the Obama administration is to make changes to the No Child Left Behind education law and correct the flaws. However this would result in....

Few Higher Education Institutes across America seeking benefits from 4-Day week
Our country is definitely not facing a very ideal situation as far as higher education is concerned. The cost of education is on a rapid rise. In order to seek some....

Florida Teachers oppose Senate Bill 6
There is a practical panic evident among teachers in Florida over the support of President Obama and Arne Duncan the Education Secretary for using the test scores....

Colleges in America gearing up against rising Tuition cost
Situation across our country is not great as far as higher education system is concerned. The growing cost of higher education has been a worry not only for students,....

Student Loan Overhaul Welcomed by Many, Opposed By Some
In future, those who borrow government loans can repay them with ease and the needy college students will have easy access to loan programs such as Pell Grants.....

Net Price Calculators should be used by Prospective Colleges across America
A lot has been said and written about the ever increasing tuition fee in our country. The four year degree course has been in the news for probably more wrong reasons....

Student Loan Overhaul Approved by Congress
Tying the student loan overhaul to the healthcare overhaul bill, President Obama ensured that the Congress passes the bill assuring needy students of greater advantages.....

Provide Financial Gifts to Students in the best Manner
Giving money to your loved one in order to indulge in higher education is not as easy as it may sound. In case you are planning to gift ‘money’ to an....

Jamie K
The most liberal president our country has ever seen
Jeb Bush, the former Governor of Florida says President Barack Obama is one of the most liberal presidents in modern times. He also said that he pursues an agenda....


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