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What OSU has to say about President Obama’s Student Loan Reforms
President Barack Obama successfully got the Congress to approve and incorporate with the health care package the student loan reform even as opponents complained....

Are Colleges and Universities safe in America?
What happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School is very much fresh in the minds of citizens across our country. This is not the first time when an individual has....

Take Steps to Improve Community College Graduation Rate
Even though it is the season of cap and gown, most of the students will not graduate on time at community colleges. About 45% of all college students go to these....

Is the Current Higher Education Model Efficient?
The Higher Education system in our country is going through a tough time. Colleges and Universities across the nation have come under the scanner. The growing tuition....

Mexican Drug Situation Forces Texas Universities to Cancel Mexico Study-Abroad Programs
Many Texas colleges and universities are delaying study-abroad programs in Mexico, a decade-long custom of speech and cultural swap, due to escalating tensions arising....

5 amazing ways for College students across America to make money during this winter break
The winter break is here and students are more than happy to gladly welcome the holiday season. Not only does this break give them the much deserved time to relax,....

Obama Targets For-Profit Colleges
The Obama government is preparing to create hard rules that may lessen the amount of federal funds benefitting the for profit institutions, cutting their yearly....

Now Students might be allowed to carry bags that can shield bullets
Our country is already buzzing with the idea of letting teachers carry guns to schools and colleges. It seems that finally the educational administration and the....

Campus Security Under Scanner Again
Each time a horrifying murder happens in a college campus, the security turn out to be the target as it is at the moment, in the wake of the slaying of a University....

Why majority of the students across America are opting for online higher education?
Higher education in our country is getting more expensive with each passing day. Although a number of steps have started to be taken in order to get the cost down,....

Jamie K

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