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Board of Education Florida is looking for a rise in overall Budget
Past few weeks have not been the best as far as higher education is concerned in our country. With the number of student enrollments going down along with the budget....

Urgent need of the hour is to improve graduation rates
At least fifty percent of college students in US do not graduate. This fact has thankfully been getting a lot of attention of late mostly due to President Obama’s....

Caddyshack and Higher Education Bubble in America
Statistics usually are never entertaining. Well, this could be true about most of the statistics related to higher education in our country. However, there are few....

For Profit Colleges Benefit the most from Recession
For-profit trade schools and colleges are one of the very few industries in America that have not been affected, in fact have been constantly growing. Anxiety regarding....

Few Higher Education Institutes across America seeking benefits from 4-Day week
Our country is definitely not facing a very ideal situation as far as higher education is concerned. The cost of education is on a rapid rise. In order to seek some....

Efforts on to make a smooth transition to online writing in universities
Writing is the course that sets the stage for maximum student-instructor interaction, especially for first year students in universities and colleges. The current....

Colleges in America gearing up against rising Tuition cost
Situation across our country is not great as far as higher education system is concerned. The growing cost of higher education has been a worry not only for students,....

Is it better not to make amendments to the No Child Left Behind Program?
Next on the agenda for the Obama administration is to make changes to the No Child Left Behind education law and correct the flaws. However this would result in....

Net Price Calculators should be used by Prospective Colleges across America
A lot has been said and written about the ever increasing tuition fee in our country. The four year degree course has been in the news for probably more wrong reasons....

Florida Teachers oppose Senate Bill 6
There is a practical panic evident among teachers in Florida over the support of President Obama and Arne Duncan the Education Secretary for using the test scores....


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