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What is the Status of “No Child Left Behind Act”?
President Obama recently announced the status of the No Child Left Behind Act. A key requirement of the act was scrapped by him paving way for states to use innovative....

Students trained by College district with funds amounting to $5 million for health jobs
Today, there is a huge demand for health career jobs. In keeping with this demand, Cerro Coso Community College, Porterville College and Bakersfield College students....

Difference of Opinion over School Funding
This is the third consecutive year President Barack Obama reiterated the importance of higher education directly to students. He said that high school diploma is....

Jamie K
California and other states should get a No Child Left Behind waiver
As with every other state where many high achieving schools will be labelled as failures by the year 2014 if they do not get a waiver from No Child Left Behind Act....

Indo-US Education all set to take off
According to a press release from the US Embassy, US and Foreign Commercial Service Director General Suresh Kumar who is also the Assistant Secretary of Commerce....

Jamie K
Is it Finally Adieu to California Post Secondary Education Commission?
California Postsecondary Education Commission is in existence for the past 38 years and is finally going to close down next month. This commission which hitherto....

Role of Higher Education in Fostering Entrepreneurship
As with any other country, the future of our America depends on the quality of higher education. Today’s global society is increasingly based on knowledge,....

‘Continuous improvement’ as ineffective as other programs
There is a sense of great urgency in the way Obama administration and Congress is dealing with higher education. They want instant transformation of American schools....

Time for Obama to Stop Regulating and Start Legislating
There was a time when a strong legislative process was clearly in place. Lately it feels like Congress has been given a break by the Obama administration. They seem....

No Child Left Behind Reforms Welcomed by Educators
President Obama promises that reforms in the NCLB will fix some major flaws and many state and local education officials welcome this move. There is a strong....


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