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Obama’s Revisions to SAFRA Welcomed By Congressman Courtney
In order to bring about certain changes in the SAFRA or Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, an executive order was recently signed by our President. College....

Jamie K
More Transparency and Accountability By Colleges Will Work Best for Students
A student who is unable to complete college education is being denied happiness. According to a recent research, those who graduate from colleges lead happier and....

How do we Americans succeed in today’s knowledge based economy?
Our nation today has to deal with many challenges not the least of them being global, domestic and political turmoil. It is time to always keep in mind our strength....

Sincere initiative or a smart political move?
Head Start the early childhood education program was unveiled by our President again completely overruling the Congress. New rules governing this program were listed....

It is time to act now…..cannot wait for congress says President Obama
Our country’s economic future depends entirely on the quality of education we provide our children today, says our President. Children must be provided education....

Bring About a Dramatic Shift in STEM Education
Earlier this year, there was an announcement of a strategy by the Jobs Council and President Obama that would ensure that at least 10,000 American engineers will....

Jamie K
Creating an artificial demand is detrimental to the higher education system
Economy for quite some years has been erratic both in America and elsewhere in the world. Other than the economy, the next most popularly discussed topic is the....

Offer Public Education for Free If you Want America to Come Out of Deep Slumber
If you spend between 15 and 30 billion dollars on higher education, you could offer public education in America for free says Jeffrey Sachs in his book The Price....

Tackling Student Debt is the Top Priority Now
Our country is reeling under the huge burden of student debts. Ask any student or parent and they will tell you how higher education is fast becoming a distant dream....

Jamie K
Boycott Student Loan Debt Repayment Says Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street is now focused on higher education reforms and their first campaign towards this is to get at least one million Americans to boycott loan debt....


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