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Teachers in South Dakota allowed carrying weapons in the Campus
For some, this is a breakthrough development while for others; this might not be news to cherish. However, the fact is that South Dakota has become the first state....

The system versus the country
President Obama and the members of his administration are working very hard towards making their policies effective enough to take care of the best interest of the....

We have emerged successful from the toughtest of challenges in the past and will do so in the future
In the last few years, what educational advisors and experts have done really well in our country is to argue and debate. The issue of higher education now helps....

The Race comes to an end....
Remember the Obama Race to the Top initiative? Well, the recent news is that New York has won the program and this would mean that the state of New York gets huge....

The American Education system crisis
While the recent news of the government granting millions of dollars to the states to reform education system came in, the US government apparently has another....

Higher Education should throw more light on the value and importance of Internships
The Higher education scenario in the country is going through a tough phase. The ever growing tuition fees have turned into a burden which many families are no longer....

Jamie K
Are Muslim colleges required in USA?
Religion has always posed a problem especially in the field of education. In the recent past, America has been wary of the Islam religion. We know for a fact that....

Why overall quality of Higher Education decreasing in the country eventhough students is are paying
There was a time when the American Universities were popular all over the world for the kind of quality they offered as far as education was concerned. The overall....

Fresh hope for community colleges
While the education department has declared billions of dollars in education aid and federal funding, the community colleges are always at the end of the spectrum....

Students will always prefer Traditional Lectures over Online Education
Higher Education has become a rather complicated issue in the country. With tuition fees rising drastically, a number of students hesitate in enrolling for higher....


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