
Space System Architecture and Design >> Content Detail

Study Materials


Part I: Introduction and Motivation
1Space Systems and DefinitionsRequired

Crawley, Edward, Olivier de Weck, Steven Eppinger, Christopher Magee, Joel Moses, Warren Seering, Joel Schindall, David Wallace, and Daniel Whitney (Chair). "The Influence of Architecture in Engineering Systems." 2004. (PDF)

Maier on Systems Architecture: Maier, Mark W., and Eberhardt Rechtin. The Art of Systems Architecting. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002, chapters 1 and 2. ISBN: 0849304407.

Clark on Networks: Clark, David D. "The Nature of Network Architecture." NewArch: Future Generation Internet Architecture, DARPA grant F30602-00-2-0553 (2004): Section 2.

Maier on System of Systems: Maier, Mark W. "Architecting Principles for Systems-of-Systems." Systems Engineering 1, no. 4 (1998): 267-284.

Sage and Lynch on System Views: Sage, Andrew P., and Charles L. Lynch. "Systems Integration and Architecting: An Overview of Principles, Practices, and Perspectives." Systems Engineering 1, no. 3 (1998): 176-227.

Iridium Trades: Garrison, T. P., M. Ince, J. Pizzicaroli, and P. A. Swan. "System Engineering Trades for the IRIDIUM Constellation." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 34, no. 5 (1997): 675-680.

NASA new design paradigm: Goldin, Daniel S., Samuel L. Venneri, and Ahmed K. Noor. "New Frontiers in Design Synthesis." Acta Astronautica 44, no. 7-12 (April-June 1999): 407-418.


History of US MILSATCOM: Martin, Donald H. "A History of U.S. Military Satellite Communication Systems." Crosslink 3, no. 1 (Winter 2001/2002).
See also MILSATCOM descriptions.

GPS site.
2Classic SolutionsRequired

Wertz, James R., and Wiley J. Larson. Space Mission Analysis and Design. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, chapters 1-4. ISBN: 1881883108.

Department of Defense. Report of the Defense Science Board / Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Joint Task Force on Acquisition of National Security Space Programs, a.k.a. Tom Young Report. (PDF - 2.3 MB)

Lillie, Charles F., Michael J. Wehner, and Tom Fitzgerald. "Multidiscipline Design as Applied to Space." AIAA Paper, 1998.


NASA Systems Engineering Handbook. (PDF - 2.4 MB)
Part II: A New Space Architecture Process
3Introduction to MATE
4Applied Utility TheoryRequired

de Neufville, Richard. Applied Systems Analysis: Engineering Planning and Technology Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1990, chapters 18-21. ISBN: 0070163723.

Gumbert, C. C., M. D. Violet, D. E. Hastings, W. M. Hollister, and R. R. Lovel. "Cost per Billable Minute Metric for Comparing Satellite Systems." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 34, no. 6 (1997): 837-846.

Shaw, G. M., D. W. Miller, and D. E. Hastings. "Development of the Quantitative Generalized Information Network Analysis (GINA) Methodology for Satellite Systems." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 38, no. 2 (2001): 257-269.

Thurston, D. L. "Real and Misconceived Limitations to Decision Based Design with Utility Analysis." Journal of Mechanical Design 123 (June 2001): 176-82.
5Modeling and Exploring the TradespaceRequired

Belegundu, A. D., E. Halberg, M. A. Yukish, and T. W. Simpson. "Attribute-Based Multidisciplinary Optimization of Undersea Vehicles." AIAA Paper 2000-4865, 8th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Long Beach, CA. September 2000.

Stump, G., T. W. Simpson, M. Yukish, and L. Bennett. "Multidimensional Visualization and its Application to a Design-by-Shopping Paradigm." AIAA Paper 2002-5622, 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Atlanta, GA. September 2002.


Larson, W. J., and J. R. Wertz. Space Mission Analysis and Design. 3rd ed. El Segundo, CA: Microcosm Press, 1999, chapter 11. (In particular.)

Budianto, I. A., and J. R. Olds. "A Collaborative Optimization Approach to Design and Deployment of a Space-Based Infrared System Constellation." 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. Big Sky, Montana, March 2000, pp. 385-393.

Owens, J. M., and M. B. Johnson. "Interplanetary Small Mission Studies." 2001 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. Big Sky, Montana, March 2001, pp. 409-422.
6Integrated Concurrent EngineeringRequired

Neff, J., and S. P. Presley. "Implementing a Collaborative Conceptual Design System: The Human Element is the Most Powerful Part of the System." 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. Big Sky, Montana, March 2000, pp. 341-353.

Aguilar, J. A., and A. Dawdy. "Scope vs. Detail: The Teams of the Concept Design Center." 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. Big Sky, Montana, March 2000, pp. 465-482.

Parkin, K., J. Sercel, M. Liu, and D. Thunnissen. "ICEMaker: An Excel-Based Environment for Collaborative Design." 2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. Big Sky, Montana, March 2003.
7Examples - XTOS and SPACETUG and MATE-CON SimulationRequired

All system examples: McManus, Hugh L., Daniel E. Hastings, and Joyce M. Warmkessel. "New Methods for Rapid Architecture Selection and Conceptual Design." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 10-19.

ATOS description: McManus, Hugh L., and Joyce M. Warmkessel. "New Methods for Rapid Architecture Selection and Conceptual Design." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 69-74.

BTOS description: Warmkessel, J. and N. Diller. "Applying Multi-attribute Utility Analysis to Architecture Research for the Terrestrial Observer Swarm." Proceedings of the IEEE/AIAA 20th Digital Avionic Systems Conference. Daytona Beach, FL, October 2001.

XTOS description: Ross, Adam M., Daniel E. Hastings, Joyce M. Warmkessel, and Nathan P. Diller. "New Methods for Rapid Architecture Selection and Conceptual Design." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 20-28.

SpaceTug description: McManus, Hugh L., and Todd E. Schuman. "Understanding the Orbital Transfer Vehicle Trade Space." AIAA Space Conference and Exposition. Long Beach, CA, September 23-25, 2003.
8Efficient Searches of TradespacesRequired

Automating the Design Process: Fukunaga, Alex S., Steve Chien, Darren Mutz, Robert L. Sherwood, and Andre D. Stechert. "Automating the Process of Optimization in Spacecraft Design." Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference. Snowmass, CO, 1997.

MultiObjective Optimization: Hassan, Rania A., and William A. Crossley. "Multi-Objective Optimization of Communication Satellites with Two-Branch Tournament Genetic Algorithm." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 40, no. 2 (2003): 266-272. MDO.

MMDOSA: Jilla, Cyrus D., and David W. Miller. "Multi-Objective, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Methodology for Distributed Satellite Systems." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 39-50.
9Uncertainty and RiskRequired

Department of Defense. Report of the Defense Science Board / Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Joint Task Force on Acquisition of National Security Space Programs, a.k.a. Tom Young Report. (PDF - 2.4 MB)

Hastings, Daniel, Annalisa Weigel, and Myles Walton. "Incorporating Uncertainty into Conceptual Design of Space System Architectures." Full text (PDF), data (PDF), and conclusion (PDF). (Courtesy of Daniel Hastings, Annalisa Weigel, and Myles Walton. Used with permission.)

Zuckerman, Brian. "Defining Engineering Systems: Investigating National Missile Defense." (PDF)

Thunnisen, D. P. "Method for Determining Margins in Conceptual Design." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (2004): 85-92.

Garber, R., and M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell. "Modeling the Effects of Dispersion of Design Teams on System Failure Risk." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (2004): 60-68.

Walton, Myles A., and Daniel E. Hastings. "Managing Uncertainty in the Conceptual Design of Space Systems Using Portfolio Theory." (PDF)

———. "Applications of Uncertainty Analysis Applied to the Conceptual Design of Space Systems." (PDF - 2.3 MB) (Courtesy of Myles A. Walton and Daniel E. Hastings. Used with permission.)

Columbia Accident Investigation Report - Executive Summary.
10Flexibility for Space Systems IRequired

ESD Definitions. (PDF)

GINA definition of flexibility: Shaw, G. M., D. W. Miller, and D. E. Hastings. "Development of the Quantitative Generalized Information Network Analysis (GINA) Methodology for Satellite Systems." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 38, no. 2 (2001): 257-269.

Saleh, J. H., K. S. Marais, D. E. Hastings, and D. J. Newman. "Extracting the Essence of Flexibility in System Design." 3rd NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware. Long Beach, CA, July 2001.

———. "The Case for Flexibility in System Design." 12th Annual INCOSE International Systems Engineering Symposium (INCOSE 2001). Las Vegas, NV, July-August 2002
11Flexibility for Space Systems IIRequired

Nilchiani, Roshanak., and Daniel E. Hastings. "Measuring Flexibility in Design of an Orbital Transportatoin Network." AIAA Space 2003 Conference and Exposition. Long Beach, CA, September 23-25, 2003.

Saleh, Joseph H., Elisabeth Lamassoure, and Daniel E. Hastings. "Space Systems Flexibility: Provided by On-Orbit Servicing: Part 1." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (0022-4650) 39, no. 4 (2002).

———. "Space Systems Flexibility: Provided by On-Orbit Servicing: Part 2." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (0022-4650) 39, no. 4 (2002).

Saleh, Joseph H., Elisabeth S. Lamassoure, Daniel E. Hastings, and Dava J. Newman. "Flexibility and the Value of On-Orbit Servicing: New Customer-Centric Perspective." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (0022-4650) 40, no. 2 (2003).
12Policy Issues in Space System ArchitecturesRequired

Weigel, Annalisa L., and Daniel E. Hastings. "Interaction of Policy Choices and Technical Requirements for a Space Transportation Infrastructure."

———. "Application of Real Options to Strategic Management of Military Satellite Communications." AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition. Albuquerque, NM, August 28-30, 2001.

———. "Measuring the Value of Designing for Uncertain Future Downward Budget Instabilities." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (0022-4650) 41, no. 1 (2004).


Weigel, Annalisa L., and Daniel E. Hastings. "Evaluating the Cost and Risk Impacts of Launch Choices." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (0022-4650) 41, no. 1 (2004).

Hastings, Daniel E., Elisabeth S. Lamassoure, Annalisa L. Weigel, and Joseph H. Saleh. "Policy Enablers for the Development of a Space-Based Infrastructure." 2001.

de Weck, Olivier L., and Darren (Datong) Chang. "Architecture Trade Methodology for LEO Personal Communication Systems." AIAA 2002-1866, 20th Intl Comm Satellite Systems Conference. Montreal, Canada, May 12-15, 2002.

Additional Resources

European Commission Green Paper. "European Space Policy." (PDF)

Response to EC Green Paper on "European Space Policy" from Students and Young Space Professionals. (PDF) (Courtesy of Shane Kemper. Used with permission.)


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