This is the second semester of the intermediate level sequence intended for students whose conversational ability exceeds their reading and writing skills. Focus is on reading and writing, as well as broadening conversational skills and control of standard pronunciation, for students with background in conversational Chinese. Lab work is required. On completing this course, students should be able to speak the language with standard pronunciation, to converse with some fluency on everyday topics, as well as on some specialized topics, to read edited, as well as authentic texts, in simplified or traditional characters with suitable fluency, and to be able to write composition on certain topics. The class consists of a combination of practice, reading, discussion, dictation, composition and feedback, net exploration via the web, and presentation. This course is conducted in Mandarin.
All participants will be expected to write a four-page paper in characters with the words, expressions, and patterns learned. Topic for the paper will be given out in April. All students are expected to give a 15-minute power point presentation in pairs on their research on China. Right after the mid-term, all participants should also choose your research partner and a research topic. There will be a small fee for Xeroxed materials, paid towards the end of the semester.
Learning Material Recording
All the students registered for this class should listen to the recordings on line or go to the LLARC to listen to the recordings, and do the assigned work. Detailed assignments will be on each week’s schedule.
Students' Responsibilities
Students are expected to preview, read the assigned reading(s) and study the assigned characters before class, and to participate actively in class discussions. Students will be expected to hand in assigned homework on the date due.
Grading Criteria
Evaluation will be based on class performance, bi-weekly quizzes, a mid-term, a comprehensive final, and a final oral test.
The weighting of the various factors is, roughly, as follows:
Class Performance Class Attendance Class Preparation Class Participation Assigned Homework | 20 5 5 5 5 |
By-weekly Quizzes | 20 |
In-class Dictation | 10 |
Mid-Term | 20 |
Power Point Presentation | 10 |
Four-page Paper | 20 |
Factors involved in the Class Grade include being on time and prepared, completing written assignments carefully and on time, and participating enthusiastically in class activities. Other factors may come in to play, e.g. improvement versus deterioration over the course of the semester, and progress relative to starting level.
Advice on Approaching the Class
Learning a foreign language shouldn't feel like a chore. If it does, you should probably do some serious thinking about why you enrolled. A foreign language is a discipline to be studied with attention and dedication. It requires a high level of concentration, and a systematic, steady approach. It is, in fact, a never-ending process which involves a consistent accumulation of data (vocabulary) to be applied within a complex framework (grammar). As such, learning a foreign language is often frustrating and so it should be dealt with patiently. But the result provides lifelong satisfaction. If you approach this course by wondering how little work you can do and still get by, or if you approach this class by thinking only about what grade you are getting instead of what you are learning, then you will not succeed. If, however, you approach this class with dedication and a positive attitude, I guarantee that you will be rewarded with the satisfaction that comes from the genuine acquisition of knowledge and skill.