
France 1660-1815: Enlightenment, Revolution, Napoleon >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


I. Absolutism
2The Material World and the Political Background
3The Theory and Practice of Absolutism
4Taxes and Provincial Reform
5Theater, Art, and PoliticsFirst paper due
II. Enlightenment
6Origins of the French Enlightenment
7The Encyclopédie
8A Political Movement, I?
9A Political Movement, II?
10Spaces of the Public SphereSecond paper due
III. Revolution
11The Origins of the French Revolution
12The Problem of Nationalism I
13The Problem of Nationalism II
141789, the Abolition of Feudalism, and the Rights of Man
15From Constitutional Monarchy to the Terror
16The Directory
17The Revolution in Images and SongThird paper due
IV. Empire
18Napoléon: Debates
19Napoléonic Warfare
20The French Caribbean
21Individual Consultation with Instructor
23Visions of EmpireFourth paper due
V. Final Projects
24Individual Consultation with Instructor
25-26Oral Presentations
27ConclusionFinal paper due


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