1 | Introduction and warm-up: Searle against artificial intelligence (AI) |
Some background Pinker, Steven. "The Mystery of Consciousness." TIME, January 19, 2007. MacFarquhar, Larissa. "Two Heads: A Marriage Devoted to the Mind-body Problem." The New Yorker, February 12, 2007, pp. 58-69. Useful links Turing, A. M. "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." Mind 59 (1950): 433-460. Holt, Jim. "Code-breaker: The Life and Death of Alan Turing." The New Yorker, February 6, 2006. Talk to ELIZA MIT's Cog MIT's Cognitive Machines group at the Media Lab |
2 | Searle (cont.) |
Searle, John. R. "Minds, Brains, and Programs." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3, no. 3 (1980): 417-457. ———. Mind: A Brief Introduction. pp. 62-64 and 69-71. Optional Searle, John R. "Is the Brain a Digital Computer?" Presidential Address. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association, 1990.
3 | Searle (cont.) |
Searle, John R. Mind: A Brief Introduction. Chapter 1. Useful links Descartes's life and works (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Dualism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) |
4-5 | Dualism |
6 | Behaviorism |
Behaviorism. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Useful links Gilbert Ryle (Wikipedia; n.b. Wikipedia articles on philosophy should be treated with extreme caution) |
7 | Behaviorism (cont.) The identity theory | Place, U. T. "Is Consciousness a Brain Process?" Chapter 8 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Smart, J. J. C. "Sensations and Brain Processes." Chapter 9 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Searle, John R. Mind: A Brief Introduction. Chapter 2. And don't miss U. T. Place's brain. |
8 | The identity theory (cont.) | Place, U. T. "Is Consciousness a Brain Process?" Chapter 8 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Smart, J. J. C. "Sensations and Brain Processes." Chapter 9 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings.
Searle, John R. Mind: A Brief Introduction. Chapter 3. Optional Feigl, Herbert. "The 'Mental' and the 'Physical'." Chapter 10 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
9 | The identity theory (cont.) | Concentrate on: Kripke, Saul A. Naming and Necessity. |
10 | Functionalism | Armstrong, David M. "The Causal Theory of the Mind." Chapter 12 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Putnam, Hilary. "The Nature of Mental States." Chapter 11 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Searle, John R. Mind: A Brief Introduction. Chapter 4. Optional
Useful links Block, Ned. Functionalism. O'Grady, Jane. "David Lewis." Obituary in The Guardian, October 23, 2001. Turing, A. M. "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." Mind 59 (1950): 433-460. |
11 | Functionalism (cont.) | Block, Ned. "Troubles with Functionalism." Chapter 14 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
12 | Functionalism (cont.) |
Optional Lewis, David. "Psychophysical and Theoretical Identifications." Chapter 13 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
13 | Functionalism (cont.) Intentionality and externalism | We'll finish up our discussion of Lewis, and then start on "externalism," our next topic. Putnam, Hilary. "The Meaning of 'Meaning'." Chapter 54 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
14 | Intentionality and externalism (cont.) | Putnam, Hilary. "The Meaning of 'Meaning'." Chapter 54 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Searle, John R. Mind: A Brief Introduction. Chapter 6. Optional Brentano, Franz. "The Distinction between Mental and Physical Phenomena." Chapter 44 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings.
15 | Externalism (cont.) | Burge, Tyler. "Individualism and the Mental." Chapter 55 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Clark, Andy, and David J. Chalmers. "The Extended Mind." Chapter 59 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
16 | Externalism and self-knowledge | McKinsey, Michael. "Anti-Individualism and Privileged Access." Analysis 51 (1991): 9-16. Brueckner, A. "What an Anti-Individualist Knows A Priori." Analysis 52 (1992): 111-118. |
17 | Nagel on bats | Nagel, Thomas. "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?" Chapter 25 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
18 | Jackson's knowledge argument | Jackson, Frank. "Epiphenomenal Qualia." Chapter 28 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. A version of "Epiphenomenal Qualia" is also available. Lewis, David. "What Experience Teaches." Chapter 29 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Optional
19 | Jackson's knowledge argument (cont.) Chalmers' dualism | Chalmers, David J. "Consciousness and Its Place in Nature." Chapter 27 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
20-21 | Chalmers' dualism (cont.) | |
22 | Panprotopsychism | Stoljar, Daniel. "Two Conceptions of the Physical." Chapter 31 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
23 | Panprotopsychism (cont.) | McGinn, C. "Can we Solve the Mind-body Problem?" Mind 98, no. 391 (1989): 349-366. |
24 | Mysterianism | |
25 | Consciousness and intentionality | Tye, Michael. "Visual Qualia and Visual Content Revisited." Chapter 42 in Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. |
26 | Conclusion: Final lecture | (no readings) |