1 | Introduction Martin: Transparency | Required readings Handout: Martin, "The Transparency of Experience." (PDF) Martin, M. G. F. "The Transparency of Experience." Mind and Language 17, no. 4 (September 2002): 376-425. Recommended readings
Martin, M. G. F. "The Limits of Self-Awareness." Philosophical Studies 120 (2004): 37-89. |
2 | Martin: Transparency (cont.) | Recommended readings Noordhof, Paul. "Imagining Objects and Imagining Experiences." Mind and Language 17, no. 4 (September 2002): 426-455. Byrne, Alex. "Color and the Mind-Body Problem." Dialectica 60, no. 3 (September 2006): 223-244.
Siegel, Susanna. "Indiscriminability and the Phenomenal." Philosophical Studies 120 (2004): 91-112. |
3 | Campbell: Reference and consciousness | Required readings Campbell, John. "The Relational View of Experience." Chapter 6 in Reference and Consciousness. pp. 114-131. ———. "The Explanatory Role of Consciousness." Chapter 7 in Reference and Consciousness. pp. 132-156. Recommended readings ———. "Précis of Reference and Consciousness." Philosophical Studies 126 (2005): 103-114. ———. "Reply to Rey." Philosophical Studies 126 (2005): 155-162. |
4 | Visitor: John Campbell Johnston: Sensory awareness | Required readings Johnston, Mark. "Better then Mere Knowledge? The Function of Sensory Awareness." Chapter 7 in Perceptual Experience, pp. 260-290. Recommended readings ———. "The Obscure Object of Hallucination." Philosophical Studies 120 (2004): 113-183. |
5 | Johnston: Sensory awareness (cont.) Siegel: Contents of visual experience | Required readings Handout: "The Contents of Visual Experience." (PDF) Crane, Tim. "The Problem of Perception." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, March 8, 2005. (accessed February 5, 2007). Siegel, Susanna. "The Contents of Perception." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, March 18, 2005. (accessed February 5, 2007). Recommended readings Breckenridge, Wylie. "Why Think that Visual Experience has Representational Content?" Forthcoming in Philosophical Perspectives 21, no. 1 (2007). |
6 | Crane: Perceptual relations | Required readings Crane, Tim. "Is There a Perceptual Relation?" Chapter 3 in Perceptual Experience, pp. 126-146. Recommended readings
7 | Campbell, Frith, and Johnstone: Thought insertion and schizophrenia | Required readings Campbell, John. "The Ownership of Thoughts." Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9, no. 1 (March 2002): 35-39. ———. "Schizophrenia, the Space of Reasons, and Thinking as a Motor Process." The Monist 82, no. 4 (1999): 609-625. Frith, Christopher, and Eve Johnstone. Schizophrenia: A Very Short Introduction. pp. 32-41 and 123-144. |
8 | Thought insertion (cont.) Chalmers: Perception and fall from Eden | Required readings Chalmers, David J. "Perception and the Fall from Eden." Chapter 2 in Perceptual Experience. pp. 49-125. |
9 | Visitor: David Chalmers | |
10 | Block: Consciousness | Required readings Block, Ned. "Consciousness, Accessibility, and the Mesh Between Psychology and Neuroscience." Forthcoming paper in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (PDF - 1.0 MB)# Recommended readings Carrasco, Marisa, Sam Ling, and Sarah Read. "Attention Alters Appearance." Nature Neuroscience 7, no. 3 (March 2004): 308-313. |
11 | Schwitzgebel: Introspection | Required readings Schwitzgebel, Eric. "Introspective Training Apprehensively Defended: Reflections on Titchener's Lab Manual." Journal of Consciousness Studies 11, nos. 7-8 (2004): 58-76. ———. "Do You Have Constant Tactile Experience of Your Feet in Your Shoes? Or Is Experience Limited to What's in Attention?" Journal of Consciousness Studies 14, no. 3 (2007): 5-35. |
12 | O'Callaghan: Sounds | Required readings O'Callaghan, Casey. "Sonic Realism." Chapter 1 in Sounds: A Philosophical Theory. Recommended readings
13 | Visitor: Casey O'Callaghan | Required readings O'Callaghan, Casey. "Constructing a Theory of Sounds." Forthcoming paper in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Recommended readings