
Introduction to Linguistics >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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The readings are organized by topics. Some of the readings are in the required textbook: Amazon logo Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to Language. 7th ed. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. ISBN: 1413017738.

MorphologyChapter 3, on Morphology, from  An Introduction to Language
SyntaxChapter 4, from An Introduction to Language

Islands and Movement (PDF)

Complements vs. Adjuncts (PDF)
SemanticsAn Introduction to Language. pp. 173-201.

Quantifiers and Scope (PDF)

Non-English Binding Phenomena (PDF)

Ambiguous and Vague Meanings (PDF)

Negative and Positive Polarity Items (PDF)
PhoneticsSome pitch contours for the types of sentences listed in the last part of the phonetics problem set (PDF)

Video of Tongue Movement during Vowel Pronunciation

Hints on How to Read Spectrograms
PhonologyAn Introduction to Language. pp. 273-291, 324-326.


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