1 | Space of Continuous Functions, Dual Space, Positivity | |
2 | Outer Measures and Measures | |
3 | Caratheodory's Theorem | |
4 | Measurable Functions and the Integral - Including Lebesgue's Theorem of Dominated Convergence | |
5 | Riesz Representation, Lp Spaces and Completeness, L2(X,μ) and Hilbert Space | Problem set 1 due |
6 | Riesz Representation for Hilbert Space Differentiability and Schwartz Space of Test Functions | Problem set 2 due |
7 | Properties of S(Rn) Tempered Distributions Differentiation and Differential Operators Fourier Transform | |
8 | Bump Functions Characterization of δ Fourier Inversion Plancherel Formula | Problem set 3 due |
9 | Convolution and Density Fourier Transform on L2(Rn) | |
10 | Sobolev Spaces and Sobolev Embedding Duality between Sobolev Spaces | |
11 | Schwartz Representation Theorem Fundamental Solution of ∂x + i∂y Support of a Distribution; Distributions of Compact Support (Start) | Problem set 4 due |
12 | Compact Supports Convolution of Distributions supp(u*v) ⊂ supp(u)+ supp(v) if one, at least, has Compact Support Fundamental Solutions | Problem set 5 due |
13 | Singular Support, Hypoellipticity, Ellipticity - Parametrices for Elliptic Operators | |
14 | Fundamental Solution of the Heat Operator, Hypoellipticity, Initial Value Problem Homogeneity The Distributions xz±, z ∈ C\(-N) | |
15 | Distributions Supported at 0 Homogeneous Distributions of Order ![]() Hadamard Regularization Cone Supports | |
16 | Singular Support and Products Conic Support and Convolution | |
17 | Wavefront Set Refines Singular Support Scattering Wavefront Set Product and Wavefront Set The Wave Equation | Problem set 6 due |
18 | Fundamental Solution of the Wave Equation Solution to the Cauchy Problem | |
19 | Operators and Schwartz' Kernel Theorem | Problem set 7 due |
20-24 | Lidskii's Theorem Δ on the Torus Self-Adjointness of Δ+V Spectral Decomposition Wave Equation on the Torus Wave Equation on Torus with Potential Δ+V on Rn with V ∈ Cc(Rn) | |
25 | Questions Trace as Integral of the Kernel over the Diagonal Microlocal Analysis |