
Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces >> Content Detail

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Lec #Topics
1Introduction to Moduli Spaces
2Introduction to Grassmannians
3Enumerative Geometry using Grassmannians, Pieri and Giambelli
4Littlewood - Richardson Rules and Mondrian Tableaux
5Introduction to Hilbert Schemes
6The Construction of Hilbert Schemes and First Examples
7Enumerative Geometry using Hilbert Schemes: Conics in Projective Space
8Local Properties of Hilbert Schemes: Mumford's Example
9An Introduction to G.I.T.
10The Hilbert-Mumford Criterion and Examples of G.I.T. Quotients
11The Construction of the Moduli Space of Curves I
12The Construction of the Moduli Space of Curves II
13The Cohomology of the Moduli Space of Curves: Harer's Theorems
14The Euler Characteristic of the Moduli Space
15Keel's Thesis
16The Second Cohomology of the Moduli Space
17The Picard Group of the Moduli Functor
18Divisors on the Moduli Space
19Brill-Noether Theory and Divisors of Small Slope
20The Moduli Space of Curves is of General Type when g > 23
21An Introduction to the Kontsevich Moduli Space
22Enumerative Geometry and Gromov-Witten Invariants
23The Picard Group of the Kontsevich Moduli Space
24Vakil's Algorithm for Counting Rational Curves in Projective Space
25The Ample and Effective Cones of the Kontsevich Moduli Space


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