
Dynamics and Vibration (13.013J) >> Content Detail



This subject was originally offered in Course 13 (Department of Ocean Engineering) as 13.013J. In 2005, ocean engineering became part of Course 2 (Department of Mechanical Engineering), and this subject merged with 2.003.

Course Schedule

  • Lectures: Twice a week for 1.5 hours and 2 hours respectively
  • Recitations: Once a week for 1.5 hours


  • U-Level 5-0-7 Units


  • Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (18.03)
  • Elementary Mechanics of Materials (2.001 or 1.050)
  • Mechanical Systems, Signal Processing and Stochastics (13.015J/1.015J) or Modeling Dynamics and Control I (2.003) or Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving (1.00)

Grading Policy

  • Quiz A: 25% (Individual effort)
  • Quiz B: 30% (Individual effort)
  • Final Exam: 35% (Individual effort)
  • Homework: 10% (Attendance and participation in recitation required)
    Homework is usually assigned at recitation and is due the following week  at recitation (unless otherwise specified). Homework will be returned in the following week's session. There is a penalty for late homework. Excuses should be directed to instructors in advance. Our plan for homework is as follows. Each student will be assigned to present in class each week the solution of one problem from the problem set. The solution should be available on a transparency for more efficient use of the time.
  • Homework Collaboration
    You may discuss problems with others, but you are expected to write up your own work. In recitation we will discuss the problems on the board and provide alternate solutions. Please use a different color pen or pencil in class to correct your own work. Then turn it in at the end of recitation. It is most important that you try to do the homework, actively participate in the recitation, and turn in your homework when due.

Final Exam

  • 3 hours Exam

Required Textbook

  • Williams, James H., Jr.  Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.

Additional References

  • Rao, S. S. Mechanical Vibrations. 3rd ed. Addison Wesley, 1995.
  • Beer, Ferdinand Pierre. Vector Mechanics for Engineers. McGraw-Hill, 1988.


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