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Heywood, John B. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. ISBN: 9780070286375.
Grade will be based on
Quiz + Exam | 45% | Homework | 25% | Lab Report | 20% | Design Problem | 10% | Total | 100% |
Homework Policy
The purpose of the homework and problems is to get each of you to think about and use the material we discuss in class.
Obviously, I want each of you to make a serious try at each problem. If discussions with other students help you get started, then contribute to and benefit from such discussions.
However, I expect that each of you will work independently on the details of the problem solutions which you hand in as your work. I regard it as dishonest to copy from any previously circulated solutions and present such work as your own.
If you have any questions about the above, please discuss them with me.