
Manufacturing Systems I (SMA 6304) >> Content Detail



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Course Objective

As the first in a sequence of four half-term courses, this course will provide the fundamental building blocks for conceptualizing, understanding and optimizing manufacturing systems and supply chains. These building blocks include process analysis, queueing theory, simulation, forecasting, inventory theory and linear programming.

We will use multiple approaches to accomplish these objectives. During this course, you will be asked to:

  • Prepare cases, readings and exercises for class discussion.
  • Complete problem sets and prepare written analyses of selected cases.

Group Preparation

Group work is not only acceptable, but encouraged for the preparation of class and for all written assignments (except the exam). Groups can consist of upto 4 students. For each written assignment, the group should hand in only one paper.

Class Discussion

Class participation will be expected in class sessions and will count towards your course grade. In classes students will be asked to participate in the discussion by addressing specific questions. If you have thoroughly prepared for class, you should have no difficulty handling such a request.


The grading will be weighted as follows:
Written Homework Assignments50%
Class Participation10%

Course Materials

Required course materials include:

  • Cases
  • Amazon logo Textbook: Denardo, Eric V. The Science of Decision Making: A Problem-Based Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001. ISBN: 9780471318279.


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