
Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Engineering (13.002J) >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .m.

A list of lecture topics and supporting files for the lecture notes are included in the table below.


Computer Architecture

Number Representations

(PDF - 1.7 MB)horner.m (M)
radd.m (M)
recur.m (M)
sqr.m (M)
2Error Propagation

Error Estimation

Condition Numbers
(PDF - 2.6 MB)euler.m (M)
radd.m (M)
sbfj.m (M)
sbfj_3.m (M)
sbfj_f.m (M)
sbfj_f_3.m (M)
sbfy.m (M)
tsbfj.m (M)
3Linear Systems of Equations: Cramer's Rule

Gaussian Elimination
(PDF - 1.8 MB)tbt2.m (M)
tbt3.m (M)
tbt4.m (M)
tbt5.m (M)
tbt.m (M)
4Linear Systems: Gaussian Elimination


LU Factorization

Error Analysis
(PDF - 1.1 MB)tbt6.m (M)
tbt7.m (M)

5Linear Systems: Tri-diagonal Systems

Special Matrices
6Linear Systems: Iterative Methods

Convergence of Iterative Schemes
(PDF)vib_string.m (M)
7Roots of Non-linear Equations: Bisection

Newton-Ralphson Iteration
(PDF - 1.5 MB)bisect.m (M)
cube.m (M)
div.m (M)
heron.m (M)
sqr.m (M)
8Interpolation of Functions by Polynomials

Lagrange Interpolation

Triangular Family
(PDF - 2.6 MB)langrange.m (M)
newton.m (M)
newton_coef.m (M)
newton_test.m (M)
9Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Error Estimates
10Ordinary Differential Equations

Initial Value Problems: Euler and Runge-Kutta Methods
(PDF - 3.0 MB)euler.m (M)
rk.m (M)
rkg.m (M)
11Ordinary Differential Equations (cont.)

Boundary Value Problems: Finite Difference Methods
(PDF - 1.7 MB)
12Minimization Problems

Least Square Approximation

(PDF)cost.m (M)
curve.m (M)
lstsq.m (M)
salesman.m (M)


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