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Social Visualization
Viégas, Fernanda, Ethan Perry, Ethan Howe, and Judith Donath. "Artifacts of the Presence Era: Using Information Visualization to Create an Evocative Souvenir." To be presented at InfoVis 2004, in Austin, TX. (PDF)
Perry, Ethan, and Judith Donath. "Anthropomorphic Visualization: A New Approach For Depicting Participants in Online Spaces." Short paper, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2004, Vienna, Austria. (PDF)
Viégas, Fernanda, Danah Boyd, David H. Nguyen, Jeffrey Potter, and Judith Donath. "Digital Artifacts for Remembering and Storytelling: PostHistory and Social Network Fragments." HICSS 2004 (conference paper). (PDF)
Donath, Judith. "A Semantic Approach to Visualizing Online Conversations." Communications of the ACM 45, no. 4 (April 2002).
Borovoy, R., F. Martin, S. Vemuri, M. Resnick, B. Silverman, and C. Hancock. "Meme tags and community mirrors: Moving from conferences to collaboration." In Proceedings of CSCW '98. Seattle, WA: Nov. 1998, pp. 14-19.
Donath, J. "Visual Who." In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia`95. San Franciso, CA: Nov. 5-9, 1995.
Susani, Marco. Mapping conversation.
Minar, Nelson, and Judith Donath. "Visualizing the crowds at a web site." CHI 1999 (short paper).
Xiong, Rebecca, and Judith Donath. "PeopleGarden: Creating data portraits for users." UIST 1999. (PDF - 2.5 MB)
Kerr, Bernard. Thread Arcs.
Smith, Marc. "Netscan: measuring and mapping the social structure of Usenet." In Communities in Cyberspace. London: Routledge (in press), 1998.
Sack, Warren. Conversation Map.
Ben Fry - Activity in the Media Lab Shop.
September 11 Terror Network (Valdis Krebs).
Mark Lombardi's works.
Jason Salavon's works (especially flayed figure (male), late night triptych).
Komar and Melamid Most Wanted Paintings.
Related Techniques and Examples
Lumeta Web Map (Bill Cheswick).
TextArc (Brad Paley).
Visual Thesaurus (Plumb Design).
Valence and Anemone (Ben Fry).
Hyperbolic Browser (InXight).
Spacenet (Jared Schiffman).
SequoiaView (Jarke [Jack] Van Wijk).
StarTree Hyperbolic Browser (Ramana Rao, Inxight).
Ahlberg, C., and B. Shneiderman. "Visual information seeking: Tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays." In Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI '94 Conference Proceedings. 1994, pp. 313-317.
Bederson, B. B., J. D. Hollan, K. Perlin, J. Meyer, D. Bacon, and G. Furnas. "Pad++: A zoomable graphical sketchpad for exploring alternate interface physics." Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 7, no. 1 (March 1996): 3-31.
Bier, E. A., M. C. Stone, K. Pier, W. Buxton, and T. DeRose. "Toolglass and magic lenses: The see-through interface." In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 93. Anaheim, CA: August 1-6, 1993, pp. 73-80.
Brave, Scott, and Andrew Dahley. "InTouch: a medium for haptic interpersonal communication." Extended Abstracts of CHI'97: Conference on Human Factorsin Computing Systems. ACM Press, 1997, pp. 363-364.
Card, Stuart K., George Robertson, and William York. "The WebBook and the Web Forager: An Information Workspace for the World-Wide Web." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'96). 1996, pp. 111-117.
Dourish, P. "Culture and Control in a Media Space." In Proc. Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW'93 (Milan, Italy). Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. (PS)
Eick, Stephen G., and Graham J. Wills. "Navigating Large Networks with Hierarchies." In Visualization '93 Conference Proceedings. San Jose, California: October 1993, pp. 204-210, 25-29.
Feiner, S., and C. Beshers. "World within world: Metaphors for exploring n-dimensional virtual worlds." In Proceedings of UIST '90. 1990, pp. 76-83.
Feiner, S., B. MacIntyre, M. Haupt, and E. Solomon. "Windows on the world: 2D windows for 3D augmented reality." In Proc. UIST '93 (ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology). Atlanta, GA: November 3-5, 1993, pp. 145-155.
Furnas, George, and Benjamin Bederson. "Space-scale diagrams: understanding multiscale interfaces." In CHI '95. Conference proceedings on Human factors in computing systems. pp. 234-241.
Hill, W. C., J. D. Hollan, D. Wroblewski, and T. McCandless. "Edit wear and read wear." In Proceedings of CHI `92. 1992, pp. 3-9.
Honkela, Timo, Samuel Kaski, Krista Lagus, and Teuvo Kohonen. "WEBSOM-Self-Organizing Maps of Document Collections." In Proceedings of WSOM'97, Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps. Helsinki University of Technology, Finland: June 4-6, 1997, pp. 310-315. [The WEBSOM site].
Ishii, H., and B. Ullmer. "Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits, and Atoms." In Proceedings of CHI'97, ACM. March 1997, pp. 234-241.
Kautz, Henry, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah. "The hidden web." AI Magazine 18, no. 2 (Summer 1997): 27-36.
Munzner, T., and P. Burchard. "Visualizing the Structure of the World Wide Web in 3D Hyperbolic Space." In Proceedings of the VRML '95 Symposium. San Diego, CA: December 13-16, 1995, pp. 33-38.
Rennison, E. "Galaxy of news: An approach to visualizing and understanding expansive news landscapes ." In Proceedings of UIST '94. 1994, pp. 3-12.
Robertson, G. G., S. K. Card, and J. D. Mackinlay. "Information visualization using 3D interactive animation." In Communications of the ACM 36, no.4: 57-71.
Small, David. "Navigating large bodies of text." In IBM Systems Journal 35 no. 3 and 4 (1996).
Perception, Cognition and Design
Albers, Josef. Interaction of Color. Revised ed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, September 10, 1975. ISBN: 9780300018462.
Zakia, Richard D. "Art and Visual Perception." In Perception and Imaging. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Focal Press, December 2001. p. 18. ISBN: 9780240804668.
Harris, Robert L. "The Semiology of Graphics." In Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, December 13, 1999. ISBN: 9780195135329.
Brewster, S. A., P. C. Wright, and A.D.N. Edwards. "An Evaluation of Earcons for Use in Auditory Human-Computer Interfaces." In Proceedings of ACM CHI '93. April 1993, pp. 222-227.
Donath, Judith. "Mediated Faces." Cognitive Technology 2001 (invited paper). (PDF)
Nielson, Gregory M., Heinrich Mueller, and Hans Hagen, eds. "Scientific Visualization Overviews, Methodologies and Techniques." IEEE. Washington, DC: Computer Science Press, March 1997, pp. 191-210. ISBN: 9780818677779.
Social Analysis
Milgram, Stanley. "Psychological maps of Paris." In The Individual in a Social World Reading. MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977.
Ibid. The familiar stranger: an aspect of urban anonymity.
Wirth, Lewis. "Urbanism as a way of life." American Journal of Sociology. Reprinted and abridged in editions by LeGates, R. and Stout, F., eds., The City Reader, 1938.
Whyte, William H. "City: Rediscovering the Center." New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Golder, Scott, and Judith Donath. "Social Roles in Electronic Communities." Extended abstract of a paper to be presented at AoIR, 2004.