
Financial Management >> Content Detail



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As noted in the course syllabus, the written assignments will consist of both problem sets and cases. The problem sets should be fairly straightforward. The cases are more difficult and longer, and we will typically discuss them in class. Students should work together on the assignments in groups of four.

Part 1 - Introduction
2Principles Of Valuation
Part 2 - Project and Firm Valuation
3Evaluating Projects (1)Problem Set 1 (PDF)

Financial Functions Spreadsheet (XLS)
24Case: Acid Rain: The Southern Co.Problem Set 2: Case (PDF)
5Evaluating Projects (2)
6Firm Valuation (1)
37Firm Valuation (2)
8Case:  Cooper Industries, Inc.Problem Set 3: Case (PDF)
Part 3 - Risk and Return
39Introduction to Risk and Return
10Portfolio Theory
12Discount Rates in PracticeProblem Set 4 (PDF)

Selectronics Spreadsheet (XLS)

Portfolio Spreadsheet (XLS)
13Case: Cost of Capital at AmeritradeProblem Set 5: Case (PDF)
Part 4 - Financing Policy
14Raising Capital
15Capital Structure (1)
16Capital Structure (2)
517Two Cases: Debt Policy at UST, Inc. and Massey-Ferguson Ltd. - 1980Problem Set 6: Case (PDF)

Problem Set 7: Case (PDF)
18Market Efficiency
19Options (1)
20Options (2)

Final Exam

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