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1 | Introduction: Appropriate Technologies in the Developing World | ![]() Crosette, B. "Kofi Annan's Astonishing Facts." |
2 | Appropriate Technology and Intermediate Technology | Hawthorne, Peter. "Power to the People." Time Magazine, 1997. Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 3-34, 86-103. |
3 | Participatory Development Role Playing Exercise | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 35-66. Fischer, G. "Beyond Couch Potatoes: From Consumers to Designers and Active Contributors." First Monday 7, no. 12 (December 2002). |
4 | Stakeholder Analysis Perspectives on Development | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 69-85. |
5 | Presentations on Countries and Projects | "Water for People, Water for Life." UNESCO (PDF) |
6 | Water Issues in the Developing World Lab: Water Lab | Sobsey, M. "Managing Water in the Home: Accelerated Health Gains from Improved Water Supply." Sections 1-7. World Health Organization, 2002. |
8 | Project: Team Meetings | D-Lab Case Study: "Wheelchairs in Zambia" |
9 | DISACARE Case Study | In-class Reading and Discussion: Disacare Case Study Supplement (PDF - 2.8 MB) "Manufacturing Enterprise." ITDG. Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 171-186. |
10 | Manufacturing in Developing Countries | Warschauer, Mark. "Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide." First Monday 7, no. 7 (July 2002). |
14 | Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid | Hammond, A., and C. K. Prahald. "What Works: Serving the Poor, Profitably." World Resources Institute. (PDF) Mainsah, E., S. Heuer, A. Kalra, and Q. Zhang. "Grameen Bank: Taking Capitalism to the Poor." (PDF) |
17 | Agricultural Technology Showcase I | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 104-136. |
18 | Agricultural Technology Showcase II | D-Lab Case Study: "Oilseed Press" Atkinson, H. J., J. Green, S. Cowgill, and A. Levesley. "The case for genetically modified crops with a poverty focus." Trends in Biotechnology 19, no. 3 (2001): 91-96. Wijeratna, A. "The GM Mirage Will Not Help the Poor." The Guardian, 4 June 2003. |
20 | Energy Issues in Developing Countries | Distributed Power Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment (PDF) Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 137-153. |
21 | Lab: Solar Energy and Lighting | UN Development Programme, World Energy Assessment. Chapter 1: Energy and Major Global Issues (PDF) Chapter 2: Energy and Social Issues (PDF) |
23 | Photo-voltaic System Design | Shapouri, H., et al. "The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol: An Update." USDA. (PDF) Segelken, R. "Subsidized Food Burning." Cornell Chronicle, 23 August 2001. |
24 | Life Cycle Analysis Lab: Charcoal Manufacture | Gordon, B., et al. "Inheriting the World: The Atlas of Children's Health and the Environment." World Health Organization, 2004. |
26 | Health Issues in the Developing World | "Smoke: The Killer in the Kitchen." ITDG. |
27 | Humanitarian Bridge Building | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 200-213. |
28 | Sanitation and Latrine Technology | Hafkin, N., and N. Taggart. "Supporting Women's Use of Information Technologies for Sustainable Development." |
30 | Gender Issues in Development | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 189-199. |
31 | ICT4D (Information and Communications Technologies for Development) | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 214-245. |
34 | Survey and Assessment Techniques | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 154-170. |
35 | The Better World Workshop | Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 246-261. |