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Study Materials


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Required Texts

Amazon logo [PPD] Friedmann, John. Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN: 0691022682.

Amazon logo Fisher, Roger, and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Penguin, 1991. ISBN: 0395631246.

Readings by Session

Unit One: Introduction to Planning Traditions and Dilemmas - Prof. de Souza Briggs
L1Course Overview, What is Planning, Learning from Theory and from Context (Cases)Case: "Rebuilding Los Angeles: A Public-private-nonprofit partnership." VHS. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School of Government Case Program, 1999.

Required Readings

Amazon logo Campbell, Scott, and Susan Fainstein. "Introduction: The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory." In Readings in Planning Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003, pp. 1-2. ISBN: 0631223479.

PPD, pp. 3-15.

Amazon logo Klosterman. "Arguments for and against planning." In Readings in Planning Theory. Edited by Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003, pp. 86-101. ISBN: 0631223479.

Myers, Dowell, and Tridib Banerjee. "Longer view: Toward greater heights for planning." Journal of the American Planning Association 71, no. 2 (2005): 121-129.
W1Part One: Required Workshop on Professional CommunicationAmazon logo Zelazny, Gene. "From Data to Charts." In Say It With Charts. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN: 078630894X.
L2Major Planning Traditions and Global InfluencesRequired Readings

PPD, pp. 19-29, 37-48, and 51-85.

Meyerson, Martin, and Edward Banfield. "Note on conceptual scheme." Politics, Planning, and the Public Interest. New York, NY: Free Press, 1964, pp. 303-329.

Amazon logo Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 1999, preface, pp. 3-11. ISBN: 0385720270.

Recommended Readings

Brooks, David. "Katrina's Silver Lining." The New York Times, op-ed, September 8, 2005.
L3From Traditions to DilemmasRequired Readings

Davidoff, Paul. "Advocacy and pluralism in planning." Journal of the American Institute of Planners 31 (1965): 544-555.

Altshuler, Alan. "The City Planning Process: A Political Analysis." Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1965, pp. 299-304, 311-332.

Lindblom, Charles E. "The science of muddling through." Public Administration Review 19 (1959): 79-88.

Wildavsky, Aaron. "If planning is everything, maybe it is nothing." Policy Sciences 4 (1973): 127-153.

Recommended Readings

"The Shaming of America." The Economist, September 10, 2005.

"Rebuilding and 'The Resilient City.'" NPR Broadcast. Morning Edition, September 13, 2005.
W2Part Two: Required Workshop on Professional Communication
Unit Two: (Case 1) Public Housing Redevelopment in Boston - Prof. Vale
L4Case Introduction: Expert vs. Indigenous Knowledge; Power and Limits of Physical Design; Planning in Diverse Contexts (Race and Class)Required Readings

Marcuse, Peter. "Interpreting 'Public Housing' History." Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 12, no. 3 (Autumn 1995): 240-258.

Amazon logo Vale, Lawrence J. "Introduction," and "Reclaiming Housing, Recovering Communities." In Reclaiming Public Housing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002, pp. 1-36, 362-411. ISBN: 0674008987.
(Additional chapters from this book provide useful background for completing both the group and individual assignments.)
R1Review Session - Same Classroom, Remaining ReviewsRecommended Readings

Housing Link. "Housing Terms." (PDF)

Housing Link. "Abbreviations commonly used in housing." (PDF)
L5Case Discussion (cont.)Required Readings

PPD. "Planning as Social Reform." Chapter 3, pp. 87-136.
L6Student Briefings
R2Review Session
L7Revisiting Planning Theory and ActionRequired Readings

Amazon logo Scott, James C. "Authoritarian high modernism." In Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp. 87-102, 376-381. ISBN: 0300070160.

Amazon logo Fishman, Robert. "Urban Utopias: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier." In Urban Utopias of the Twentieth Century. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1977, pp. 3-20, 23-51, 64-75, and 226-234. ISBN: 046508933X.

Amazon logo Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York, NY: Vintage, 1961, introductory chapter. ISBN: 0679600477.

PPD. "Planning as social learning." Chapter 5, pp. 181-187, 216-223.

Amazon logo Fung, Archon. Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0691115354.
Unit Three: (Case 2) Development and Mobilization - Narmada in India - Prof. Rajagopal
L8Case Introduction: Planning from Above vs. Planning from Below (Social Mobilization); Planning in a Global/Transnational Age; Planning PoliticsRequired Readings

Roy, Arundhati. "The Greater Common Good." 1999.

Amazon logo Khagram, Sanjeev. Dams and development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005, chapter 3. ISBN: 0801489075.

Amazon logo Kothari, Smitu. "Damming the Narmada and the Politics of Development." In Toward Sustainable Development? Struggling over India's Narmada River. Edited by William Fisher. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1995, pp. 421-444. ISBN: 1563245256.

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. "The Violence of Development." The Washington Post, August 8, 2001.
S1Required Film on Narmada: Multiple ScreeningsDrowned out: We Can't Wish Them Away. DVD. Directed by Franny Armstrong. Camden, England: Spanner Films, Ltd., 2002.
L9Case Discussion (cont.)Required Readings

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. "Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization: The Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada valley struggle." Working Paper, Center for Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, May 2004.

Amazon logo Sethi, Harsh. "Survival and Democracy: Ecological Struggles in India." In New Social Movements in the South. Edited by Ponna Wignaraja. London, UK: Zed Books, 1993, pp. 122-148. ISBN: 1856491080.

Amazon logo Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making: The Report of the World Commission on Dams. London, UK: Earthscan, 2000, chapters 1, 4 and 7. ISBN: 1853837989.
R3Review Session
L10Student BriefingsRecommended Readings

Amazon logo Khagram, Sanjeev. Dams and development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005, chapter 4. ISBN: 0801489075.

Amazon logo Fisher, William, ed. Toward Sustainable Development? Struggling over India's Narmada River. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1995. ISBN: 1563245256.

Jayal, Niraja Gopal. Democracy and the State: Welfare, Secularism and Development in Contemporary India. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Baviskar, Amita. In the Belly of the River: Tribal Conflicts Over Development in the Narmada Valley. New Delhi, India; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.

PBS. "The Dammed: Resources."

Friends of the River Narmada

The Narmada Valley Development Authority, the state-level organization that oversees the dam construction in Madhya Pradesh

The Narmada Control Authority (NCA): The overseeing organization for the whole project. See especially the 'Frequently asked questions' section in the NCA's Web site.

Report of the Indian People's Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights. (PDF)

National Water Policy, 2002, Government of India. (PDF)

Response to the WCD Report (see especially the World Bank's and ICOLD member's)

Independent Assessment of the WCD

World Bank Water Resources Sector Strategy 2004

World Bank's Inspection Panel
L11Revisiting Planning Theory and ActionRequired Readings

Amazon logo Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. International Law from Below: Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003, chapters 2, 8. ISBN: 0521016711.

Amazon logo Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 1999, pp. 3-53. ISBN: 0385720270.

PPD. "Planning as social mobilization." Chapter 6, pp. 225-250, 257-308.

de Souza Briggs, Xavier. "Organizing Stakeholders, Building Movement, Setting the Agenda." The Community Problem-Solving Project, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2003.
Unit Four: (Case 3) The Growth Machine and the Public Interest - Reinventing the Anacostia Waterfront in Washington, DC - Andrew Altman, MCP '88
L12Case Introduction: Comprehensiveness vs. Incrementalism; The City as Growth Machine; Power and Limits of Physical Design

Guest Lecturer: Andrew Altman, MCP '88
Required Readings

Katz, Bruce, and Andy Altman. "An Urban Renaissance in a Suburban Nation." Ford Foundation Report (Spring/summer 2005): 32-33. (PDF - 2.1 MB)

"The Anacostia Waterfront: Imagine, Act, Transform Washington, DC." Planning brochure, The Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, Washington, DC, 2003.

Bernstein, Fred. "Revitalizing the banks of Washington's 'Forgotten River.'" The New York Times, March 27, 2005.

Excerpt on political and social history of urban renewal in Washington, DC.

Amazon logo Logan, John, and Harvey Molotch. Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1987, pp. 1-4, 50-85. ISBN: 0520063414.

Recommended Readings

Hedgpeth. "Altman's Departure has Developers Sighing." The Washington Post, October 10, 2005.

Amazon logo Gillette, Howard. Between Justice and Beauty. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, chapter 8, pp. 2-3. ISBN: 080185069X.
L13Case Discussion (cont.)Required Readings

Data and narrative: "East of the River" Community.

Equitable Development Material

Recommended Readings

Amazon logo Gillette, Howard. Between Justice and Beauty. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, chapter 3. ISBN: 080185069X.

Williams, Brett. "A River Runs Through Us." American Anthropologist 103, no. 2 (June 2001): 409-431.

PolicyLink. "Promoting Regional Equity." Framing Paper, November 2002. (PDF - 1.2 MB)

Fuller, Steven. "The Employment Sectors of Washington, DC." Center for Regional Analysis, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Washington, DC, 2004. (PDF)

DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
R4Review Session
L14Student BriefingsRecommended Readings

Lengel, Allan. "From Blight to Beautification." The Washington Post, May 26, 2005.

Summit Fund of Washington. "Building Support for Restoring the Anacostia River." December, 2004. (PDF)

DC Appleseed Center 

Byron, Joan. "Transforming the Southern Bronx River Watershed." Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development Working Paper. Presented at the Walk21-V Cities for People Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004. (PDF - 4.2 MB)

Hamilton, James. "Is It Justice or Redistribution?" Review of Foreman, Christopher, Jr. "The Promise and Peril of Environmental Justice." Regulation 22, no. 3 (Summer 1999). (PDF)

S.1472. "Anacostia Watershed Initiative Act of 2005." Introduced in the Senate, July 22, 2005.

DC's Transit Future: Anacostia Streetcar Project (PDF)

Ginsberg, Steven. "DC Shifts Light-Rail Plan from Waterfront to Streets in S.E." The Washington Post, Metro, B02, April 28, 2005.

Layton, Lyndsey. "D.C. to Study 2.7-Mile Light-Rail Line in Anacostia; Experimental Spur Could Lead to 33-Mile Citywide System." The Washington Post, Metro, B01, July 4, 2003.

"Anacostia Corridor Demonstration Project: Executive Summary of the General Plans and Environmental Assessment for the Anacostia Demonstration Project." District of Columbia Department of Transportation and Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, September 2003. (PDF)

Anacostia Corridor Demonstration Project: Public Hearing Staff Report. Hearing 157, Docket R03-4, December 2003. (PDF)

Blumenberg, E., and Margy Waller. "The Long Journey to Work: A Federal Transportation Policy for Working Families." Brookings Institution Series on Transportation Reform, July 2003. (PDF)

Ruben, Barbara. "A New Appreciation for Living in the City." The Washington Post, DC Extra, T52, April 21, 2005.

Fox, R. K., and K. Rose. "Expanding Housing Opportunities in Washington, DC: The Case for Inclusionary Zoning." PolicyLink Report, Fall 2003. (PDF - 1.7 MB)

Rivlin, Alice. "Homes for an Inclusive City: A Comprehensive Housing Strategy for Washington, DC." Executive Summary. Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, April 2006. (PDF)

Turner, Margery, et al. "Housing in the Nation's Capital 2004." Fannie Mae Foundation and The Urban Institute, 2004.

Turner, Margery. "An Equitable Housing Strategy for the District of Columbia." Metropolitan Housing and Communities Center Brief no. 1, June 2004. (PDF)

Fuller, Steven. "The Economic Outlook for the Washington Area and the District of Columbia." Center for Regional Analysis Forecast Report, Washington, DC, October 2004. (PDF)

Amazon logo Holzer, Harry. What Employers Want: Job Prospects for Less-Educated Workers. New York, NY: Russel-Sage Foundation, 1996, pp. 1-6, 126-135. ISBN: 0871543915.

Turner, Margery, and Mark Rubin. "Geography of Low-Skilled Work and Workers." The Urban Institute, Washington, DC, February 1, 1998.

Turner, Margery, and Mark Rubin. "Current Patterns of Employment in the Washington Metropolitan Area." The Urban Institute, Washington, DC, May 1999. (PDF)

"Building Community Ownership in Neighborhood Revitalization." Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD, 2005. (PDF)

reSTORE DC: A Commercial Revitalization Center

Ross, Martha. "Neighborhood Economies." Issue Scan. The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 2004. (PDF)

Rubin, Mark, and Davis Kim. "Retail Challenges in Washington, DC: An Analysis of Six Retail Categories." The Urban Institute, Washington, DC, June 2001. (DOC)
L15Revisiting Planning Theory and ActionRequired Readings

Krumholz, Norman. "Equitable Approaches to Local Economic Development." Policy Studies Journal 27, no. 1 (1999): 83-95.

Amazon logo Holcomb, Briavel. "Place Marketing: Using Media to Promote Cities." Chapter 2 in Imaging the City. Edited by Lawrence Vale and Sam Bass Warner, Jr. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, 2001, pp. 34-40, 53-54. ISBN: 0882851705.

Arnstein, Sherry R. "A Ladder of Citizen Participation." Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35, no. 4 (1969): 216-224.

Healey, P. "The communicative turn in planning theory and its implications for spatial strategy formation." Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 23 (1996): 217-234.
Unit Five: Stakeholders, Agreements, and Planners in the Middle
L16Negotiation and Facilitation: Stakeholder Analyses, Conflict and Consensus, Interested Parties vs. NeutralsRequired Readings

Amazon logo Susskind, Lawrence, and Jeffrey Cruikshank. Breaking the Impasse. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1987, pp. 3-15. ISBN: 0465007503.

Amazon logo Lewicki, Saunders, and Minton, eds. "Conflict." In Essentials of Negotiation. Chicago, IL: Irwin, 1997, pp. 15-24. ISBN: 0072545828.

Amazon logo Fisher, Roger, and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Penguin, 1991, introduction and chapters 1-4. ISBN: 0395631246.

Recommended Readings

Amazon logo Thompson, Leigh L. "Creativity and Problem Solving in Negotiation." Chapter 8 in The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2004. ISBN: 0131407384.
S2Out-of-class Negotiation Exercise, In Assigned GroupsRequired Preparation

Use prep tool and role instructions.
L17Debrief Negotiation ExerciseRequired Readings

Briggs, Xavier de Souza. "We are all negotiators now." The Community Problem-Solving Project @ MIT (2003).

Amazon logo Moore, Christopher. "Circle of Conflict." In The Mediation Process. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 60-61. ISBN: 0787902489.

Amazon logo Tannen, Deborah. "The power of talk: Who gets heard and why." In Negotiation. Edited by Lewicki, Saunders, and Minton. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 1999, pp. 160-173. ISBN: 025621591X.

Recommended Readings

Amazon logo Fisher, R., and W. Davis. "Six Basic Interpersonal Skills for a Negotiator's Repertoire." In Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases. Edited by R. J. Lewicki, D. M. Saunders, and J. W. Minton. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999. ISBN: 025621591X.
Unit Six: Human Diversity and Cities of Tomorrow
L18Cities of Tomorrow, your Role and your EducationRequired Readings

Sandercock, Leonie. "When strangers become neighbors: Managing cities of difference." Planning Theory and Practice 1, no. 1 (2000): 13-30.

Briggs, Xavier de Souza. "Civilization in Color: The Multi-cultural City in Three Millennia." City and Community 3, no. 4 (2004): 311-342.

Recommended Readings

Fainstein, Susan. "Cities and Diversity: Should We Want It? Can We Plan For It?" Urban Affairs Review 41, no. 1 (September 2005): 3-19. (PDF)

Sandercock, Leonie. "Towards a Planning Imagination for the 21st Century." Journal of the American Planning Association 70, no. 2 (March 2004): 133-141.
L19Course ReviewRequired Readings

Amazon logo Campbell, and Fainstein. "Debates define theory: Five questions of planning theory." Readings in Planning Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003, pp. 5-13. ISBN: 0631223479.

Lucy, William H. "APA's Ethical Principles Include Simplistic Planning Theories." Journal of the American Planning Assn 54, no. 2 (1988): 147-149.
L20Final Exam


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