Midterm Exam | 30% |
Paper | 70% |
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"When nature finishes to produce its own species, man begins using natural things in harmony with this very nature to create an infinity of species." - Leonardo da Vinci
"About 10,000 years ago, humans began to domesticate plants and animals. Now it's time to domesticate molecules." - Susan Lindquist, Director, Whitehead Institute, MIT
This course, intended for both graduate and upper level undergraduate students, will focus on understanding of the basic molecular structural principles of biological materials. It will address the molecular structures of various materials of biological origin, such as several types of collagen, silk, spider silk, wool, hair, bones, shells, protein adhesives, GFP, and self-assembling peptides. It will also address molecular design of new biological materials applying the molecular structural principles. The long-term goal of this course is to teach molecular design of new biological materials for a broad range of applications. A brief history of biological materials and its future perspective as well as its impact to the society will also be discussed. Several experts will be invited to give guest lectures.
5.07, or 7.05 and permission of instructor.
Branden, Carl, and John Tooze. Introduction to Protein Structure. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Routledge, 1999. ISBN: 9780815323051.
To complement the textbook, students will read many papers from the scientific literature; and are encouraged to consult additional reference books listed in the readings section.
Readings are from the course textbook Introduction to Protein Structure, plus additional sources and handouts from the literature. Students will complete one take-home midterm and an original proposal or a summary of literature review. Graduate students are expected to complete additional coursework.
Midterm Exam | 30% |
Paper | 70% |