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Project Assignment: Special Problem in Circuit Design (PDF)

The objective of this design project is to specify component values for an integrated linear amplifier so that it meets, or hopefully, exceeds a set of performance objectives.

The solution should consist of a completed answer sheet and extensive supplementary material describing and discussing the design. This problem should be treated more like an open book take home exam than a problem set. Students can discuss problem issues with the staff and fellow students, but they should not work on the specific design and write-up with any other students or any other individuals. Nor should they compare design values or performance results with other students. The design students submit must be their own; any collaborations (and they should be minor) should be noted. Various aspects of the circuit will be discussed in tutorials, recitations, and lecture during the next several weeks.

Supporting Files

Two Active Loads: Lee Load and Current Mirror Load

This document provides analyses of the Lee Load and of the Current Mirror load. The expressions derived will be useful in analyzing the two gain stages in the design problem. (PDF)

Voltage Gains of Stages 4 and 5

This sheet has additional information to help with the design problem. (PDF)

Answer Form

This two-page form should be completed and used as the first two pages of the solution for the design problem. (PDF)



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