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Required Textbook
Ljung, Lennart. System Identification: A Theory for the User. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN: 0136566952.
6.241 and 6.432.
Grading Policy
Grades in this course will be based on Homework. We will have approximately 6 sets, a set every 2 weeks. The final 2 sets will be project-like. Any use of written solutions from previous terms is not permitted. If you have access to such solutions, keep them out of reach! Violations will be dealt with severely.
Collaborations with other students are permitted on the first 4 homework sets, as long as you work out the homework by yourself. For the last two sets, we will have a separate policy. Discussions with the TA about the homework are permitted and encouraged.
Introduction to System Identification
What is System Identification?
What are the rules of the game?
How can we derive Algorithms?
How do we evaluate the Algorithms?
Stochatic vs. Non-stachastic Formulation
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Signals and Systems and Related Topics
Model Parameterization and Prediction
Nonparametric Identification
Linear Regression
Input Signals
Parameter Estimation
Minimizing Prediction Error
Identifiability, Consistency, Biase
Least Squares
Relations between Mimimizing the Prediction Error and the MLE, MAP
Convergence and Consistency
Asymptotic Distribution of Parameter Estimates
The Instrumental-Variable Method
Identification in Practice
Aliasing due to Sampling
Closed Loop Data
Model Order Estimation
Bounded but Unknown Disturbances
Adaptive Control