
User Interface Design and Implementation >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

1L1: Usability (PDF)
2L2: User-Centered Design (PDF)

L3: UI Software Architecture (PDF)
3L4: Human Capabilities (PDF)

L5: Output Models (PDF)
4L6: Conceptual Models and Metaphors (PDF)

L7: Input Models (PDF)
5L8: Design Principles (PDF)

L9: Paper Prototyping (PDF)
6L10: Constraints and Layout (PDF)
7L11: Graphic Design (PDF)

L12: Computer Prototyping (PDF)
8Quiz 1
9L13: Toolkits (PDF)

L14: Heuristic Evaluation (PDF)
10L15: User Testing (PDF)

L16: Experiment Design (PDF)
11L17: Experiment Analysis (PDF)

L18: Research Topics: Predictive Evaluation
12L19: Research Topics: Information Visualization

Quiz 2
13L20: Research Topics: Pen-based UI

L21: Research Topics: Weird Modalities
14L22: Research Topics: Zooming and Transparent UI

Demonstration Day


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