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Frosch, R. A. "Industrial Ecology: A Philosophical Introduction." Proceedings of National Academy of Science U.S.A. 89 (February 1992): 800-803.

Amazon logo Colby, Michael E. "Environmental Management in Development: The Evolution of Paradigms." World Bank Discussion Paper No 80. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1990. ISBN: 9780821315590.

Thompson, Michael. "Understanding Environmental Values: A Cultural Theory Approach." New York, NY: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, 2000.

Janssen, Marco, and Jan Rotmans. "Allocation of Fossil CO2 Emission Rights: Quantifying Cultural Perspectives." Ecological Economics 13 (1995): 65-79.

Amazon logo UN World Commission on Environment and Development. "Towards Sustainable Development." Chapter 2 in Our Common Future. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1987. ISBN: 9780192820808. [Also known as the "Brundtland Report"].

Taylor, Jerry. "Sustainable Development: A Dubious Solution in Search of a Problem." Policy Analysis 449 (August 26, 2002). Washington, DC: Cato Institute.

Resource Scarcity

Pearce, D. W., G. D. Atkinson, and W. R. Dubourg. "The Economics of Sustainable Development." Annu Rev Energy Environ 19 (1994): 457-74.

Pezzey, John C. V., and Michael A. Toman. "The Economics of Sustainability: A Review of Journal Articles." Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 02-03 (January 2002). (PDF)#

Tilton, John. "Exhaustible Resources and Sustainable Development: Two Paradigms." Resources Policy 22, nos. 1/2 (1996): 91-97.

Solow, Robert M. "The Economics of Resource or the Resources of Economics." The American Economic Review 64, no. 2 (May 1974): 1-14.

Hotelling, H. "Economics of Exhaustible Resources." The Journal of Political Economy 39, no. 2 (April 1931): 137-175. [For reference.]

Mikesell, R. "The Limits to Growth: A Reappraisal." Resources Policy 21, no. 2 (1995): 127-131.

Devarajan, S., and A. Fischer. "Hotelling's 'Economics of Exhaustible Resources': Fifty Years Later." Journal of Economic Literature 19, no. 1 (March 1981): 65-73.

Life Cycle Assessment

Amazon logo Bauman, H., and A. Tillman. Hitch Hiker's Guide To LCA: An Orientation in Life Cycle Assessment Methodology and Application. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur AB, 2004, chapters 1, 3, 4, and 5. ISBN: 9789144023649.

PRé Consultants bv. SimaPro 6: Introduction to LCA with SimaPro. (PDF)#

United Nations Environment Program. Life Cycle Assessment: What it is and How to do it . 1996.
Part 1: What it is. (PDF - 7.0 MB)#
Part 2: How to do it. (PDF - 8.3 MB)#

Weidema, Bo. "Avoiding Co-Product Allocation in Life-Cycle Assessment." Journal of Industrial Ecology 4, no. 3 (2001): 11-33.

Ekvall, Tomas. "A Market-based Approach to Allocation at Open-loop Recycling." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 29 (2000): 91-109.

Bengtsson, Magnus, and Bengt Steen. "Weighting in LCA - Approaches and Applications." Environmental Progress 19, no. 2 (Summer 2000): 101-110.

Heijungs, Reinout, and Rene Kleijn. "Numerical Approaches Towards Life Cycle Interpretation." Int J LCA 6, no. 3 (2001): 141-148.

Finnveden, Göran. "Methodological Aspects of Life Cycle Assessment of Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 26 (1999): 173-187.

Material Flow Analysis

Moll, Stephan, Stefan Bringezu, and Helmu Schuetz. "Resource Use in European Countries." Environment and Energy. Wuppertal Report No. 1. Wuppertal Institute for Climate (December 2005). (PDF - 2.2 MB)#

Graedel, T. E., et al. "Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Copper." Environmental Science and Technology 38 (2004): 1242-1252.

Matthews, Emily, et al. The Weight of Nations. World Resources Institute, 2000.


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