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Save dollars by renting textbooks
Ask any college student and he will tell you how many dollars are being spent on classroom textbooks most of which they use only for four months or so. This is a....

Jamie K
Should pre-school education receive so much attention and funds ?
President Obama’s initiatives for pre-kindergarten has attracted a lot of ire from a section of people who feel that it is not really worth investing so....

Higher education offers a ray of hope in an economically unstable environment
In spite of the economic disaster and turmoil, we find that the higher education sector is one that has been better off as compared to most other fields. Though....

True Education Reform is the Need of the Hour
Today’s economy is knowledge based and there is stiff competition in the global arena. If our students have to be well prepared to face the future challenges,....

Stimulus funds tagged with MoE rules become a noose around the States
There is a vociferous demand from Washington for another stimulus package. In California, the demand is slightly off beat. The strong feelings expressed by Sacramento,....

Lower Education Costs by taking advantage of Tax Laws
When you look at the education expenses, no doubt you start wondering if it is all worth it. At any four year public colleges, the tuition fee can touch $8000 for....

How can fresh College graduates find a job?
The strife that the economic meltdown the world has been going through has only just started to abate. Most companies had put a freeze on expenditures and a big....

Call for common curriculum in the interest of common man
The call for common curriculum in schools across the nation is doing the rounds. Recently a group of bipartisan business leaders, labours and educationists extended....

The rich gets the best and the poor continue to suffer
The recent budgetary cuts by the Government in universities come with many implications. The rich will be able to afford quality education while the others will....

Education comes first and not cost cutting!
Education has always been at the core of one’s development. And today, this very core value is being threatened. How? You may ask. The very fact that the education....


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